The Miseducation of America - Charlotte Iserbyt

1 year ago

The Miseducation of America Part 1 of 2, May 2011. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Adviser in the US Department of Education during the Reagan administration, tells the story of about what has been going on in the "education" system.

While working in the Department of Education, Charlotte discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists, critical thinkers, and problem solvers to a country of obedient, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they’re told.

Charlotte Iserbyt is well known for writing the highly recommended book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America". The book reveals that changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child’s parents (religion, morals, national patriotism), and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a globalist socialist-collectivist world of the future.

Charlotte explains that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes.

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