Rabbit Hole Roundup 12: CABBAGE PATCH MATRIX | Orphan Trains, Matrix, Love Yourself and Have Courage

1 year ago

#orphans #1800s #speakyourtruth #knowyourworth #Rabbitholeroundup #JaredandJames #JaredWeiss #truthseeker
In today's episode of Rabbit Hole Roundup, we spoke about a super interesting conspiracy related to orphan trains and cabbage patch kids in the 1800s through the early 1900s. We also covered some comments from people criticizing my speech these past few weeks and how I'm doing something that 99% of people who don't have these challenges would be afraid to do, but I love myself and the way I sound so I can't let these comments stop me from speaking and in fact this is a reason to speak more...you can't stop me! We got into the idea of why you need self love in order to achieve your higher purpose in life and so much more...we are also accepting name submissions for our new sock puppet friend who will be reading our comments from now on so let us know your thoughts! PS since we were on such a roll, we made a part 2 from this video so be on the lookout for that the middle of this week as well! Keep the comments and support (or hate) rolling, we love it all lol!
Check out our affiliate links to some great nutritional products that we believe in down below:

Vitagenics Courses https://vitagenics.teachable.com/?affcode=392642_nvq9zepk&fbclid=IwAR3ETJTvomso4qZPiTSVoi47DpyVvejn910VmuttE1DAcX7VRZxeq6ZnMns

Zeolite and Fulvic Acid Detox-Touchstone Essentials https://jaredandjames.thegoodinside.com

EMF Rocks emfrocks.com/JAREDWEISS817 Use Code JAREDWEISS817


Also, just to remind you guys (you can find more in our about section and on my (Jared’s) instagram), Jared has been healing from a life threatening illness and currently is healing from severe digestive and neurological and speech issues. And I’m so glad to be joined by my best friend James. We are trying to inspire you guys to be the best versions of yourselves as well as entertain you and provide value to your lives. We don’t claim to have all the answers but we hope to make you guys smile, laugh, and be inspired to believe that anything is possible!

Check me out on Instagram: @jaredweiss817 (backup IG is @jared_weiss) and me on Tiktok @jaredweiss817 as well

Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we will receive a small commission. This helps to support the channel and allows us to keep pushing out great and better content. Thank you for the support!
Also, the advice in these videos is not intended to be taken as medical advice. Anything that I (Jared) say with regards to health should be seen as my opinions and although they have been thoroughly researched, we are all different and our bodies all have different needs.-I am required to give this type of disclaimer to protect myself.

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