Bang for the Buck

1 year ago

The creative spendthrifts at the California statehouse will never run out of obscure ways to burn other peoples’ money, starting with their own constituents. But this report will show the nonsensical lengths they have gone to…to put the LARGE in “largesse.”
An article in the Washington Free Beacon shows those transgender “cutups” in Sacramento authorized the expenditure of over four million dollars to turn he-males into she-males since 2017. But it seems they are not getting too much “bang for the buck” with four of the surgical recipients living out their limited lifestyles on death row.
In all, 157 male prison inmates lined up for the gender affirming procedures, shedding their masculine identities like shoulder pads in the losing locker room.
Perhaps the most shocking number of all was the skyrocketing number of prisoners self-identifying as transgender. The Free Beacon article reveals that statistic has risen 14 times over since 2013. As of October 2023, over 1800 prisoners have outed themselves on prison forms as transgender, and more than a thousand of them have already applied to schedule surgeries.
So, what is the projected cost of gender care in the California prison system for Fiscal year 2023-24? It’s a whopping two point one eight seven million dollars. That’s a lot of eyelashes and mascara.
By the way, entering the California prison system entitles the fortunate residents to an entire menu of gender-bending options including laser hair-removal.
Of course, seating is limited and much harder to come by since the arrival of George Soros-backed district attorneys who hear no evil, see no evil, and prosecute no evil.
But good luck trying.!/donation/checkout

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