Beat voice lines Jet Set Radio (Japanese)

1 year ago

I'm thanking the JSR Reddit community for this. One Reddit user named JammyChoo2007 finally figured out how to unpack every JSR character's voice lines.

It all started with a user named wyvernos trying to parse the CDI disk of JSR into files inside it. The OSTs, graffitis, tags, and voices are all in it in ADX format but the voice files were packed further in AFS Zip which when unpacked, contains 300 ADX files with voices of all characters but couldn't work it out further. Thanks to JammyChoo2007 there for unpacking the voice files with AFS unpacker and unpacked the further compressed files (They're further compressed into OSB format within the AFS Zip) and finally get both the Japanese and English voices plus the second English version but sped up for some reason.

One problem though...the user responsible for this voice file extraction said that the rival gang's voices sound sped up for unknown reason when he or she extracted them.

Since the voice files originally are random despite the numbered name, I did a bit of rearrange to match the order he would say in-game wise even though each voice files had very short duration

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