Dīpāvali: From Darkness to the Light of Dharma

1 year ago

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, one-billion followers of the religion of Sanatana Dharma will be celebrating Dīpāvali. On this day, we celebrate the return of Lord Sri Rama to His kingdom of Ayodhya, as well as the triumph of Light over darkness and evil. Join us for this very special livestream as we unite with Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya at the world headquarters/temple of the International Sanatana Dharma Society for this momentous Vedic holy day. Be with us as we usher in the Light of Dharma!

"After offering the wooden shoes before Lord Rāmacandra, Bharata stood with folded hands, His eyes full of tears, and Lord Rāmacandra bathed Bharata with tears while embracing Him with both arms for a long time. Accompanied by mother Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa, Lord Rāmacandra then offered His respectful obeisances unto the learned brāhmaṇas and the elderly persons in the family, and all the citizens of Ayodhyā offered their respectful obeisances unto the Lord." (Srimad Bhagavatam, 9.10.39-40)

"One cannot establish a friendship with the Supreme Lord Rāmacandra on the basis of material qualities such as one’s birth in an aristocratic family, one’s personal beauty, one’s eloquence, one’s sharp intelligence or one’s superior nation. None of these qualifications is actually a prerequisite for friendship with Lord Śrī Rāmacandra. Otherwise how is it possible that although we uncivilized inhabitants of the forest have not taken noble births, although we have no physical beauty and although we cannot speak like gentlemen, Lord Rāmacandra has nevertheless accepted us as friends?" (Srimad Bhagavatam, 5.19.7)

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