The Psychic Connection - 1983

1 year ago

This film is a masterpiece - there are so many good topics covered and Alan Neuman is a personal hero of mine (that accent makes me proud to be a native New Yorker) - The film begins with blind sight experiments with children which is fascinating and rarely documented - a very rare segment on the SORRAT group (shout out to my friend Shannon Taggart) which is one of the most insane group experiments, potentially even more so than Scole. The crystal skull makes and appearance and an oddly terrifying clip of reverend Reinhardt of the Aquarian Foundation pulling manifestations out of his mouth and eyeballs...

As always – if you are enjoying this film and channel please like, subscribe and share! If you have access to better quality versions of these films, please reach out to me as I am trying to create a high quality tribute archive to these films.

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