Uber of Trucking, Backed by Bezos & Gates, folds & lights $1B on FIRE | @GetIndieNews

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Article referenced:
Bezos-backed Convoy to lay off staff, close operations: Paul Roberts, The Seattle Times

Original Stream:
Originally recorded October 25, 2023

Tonight’s topics:
-Wonderlic Test / Indie’s Results
-Amazon Green Lights Firing Employees Who Won’t Work In-Office 3 Days a Week
-Won’t Someone Think of the Vacant Commercial Real Estate?!
-Uber of Trucking, Backed by Bezos & Gates, folds & lights $1B on FIRE
-Happy Birthday, Himbo!

Welcome to Nobody Wants to Work Anymore!
Hosts Indie & The Snow Himbo have both been in the job market this year, so they thought they’d share their experiences and have a conversation about the journey of looking for a tech job along the way.

StillHiring Today: https://stillhiring.today
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com
RepVue: https://www.repvue.com
RevGenius: https://RevGenius.com
Salesforce: https://www.salesforce.com
Resume AI Tool: https://resumaker.ai/
Teal: https://www.tealhq.com/
Swooped Cover Letter: https://swooped.co/
FlexJobs: https://www.flexjobs.com/
Working Nomads: https://www.workingnomads.com/jobs
We Work Remotely: https://weworkremotely.com/
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Kick Ass Web Hosting: https://www.interserver.net/r/932634

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The Snow Himbo:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SnowHimbo
Substack: https://substack.com/@snowhimbo
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