Ep #13 Glass Panel in an Ultralight! I reveal my Glass Panel in my Challenger 2 Ultralight Airplane

1 year ago

I'm not the first, and I will not be the last. But I think my glass panel in my Challenger 2 Ultralight Airplane is special for a whole lot of reasons. One being that I designed and built some of the electronics in it. You get to see it all lite up and working. It's 99% finished...with 99% left to do.

Follow along as I rebuild, repair, and upgrade a Challenger 2 ultralight airplane. Ultimately I will be flying this airplane into the north country of Canada, on fishing and camping trips, as soon as she is ready to fly.

GRT Sport EX EFIS Link:
- https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/inpages/grtavionics-sportefis.php?clickkey=5966
GRT Engine Information System (EIS) Link:
- https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/inpages/grt-eis-monitors.php?clickkey=4352
Backup Altitude/Airspeed/VSI Link:
- https://radiantinstruments.com/radiant-mfi-asi-vsi-altitude/
Alarm Annunciator is custom made by me.
Linear Actuator Controller is custom made by me.
Linear Actuator Link (in Canada, but company is based in the USA):
- https://www.progressiveautomations.ca/products/linear-actuator-with-potentiometer
Hand Grip Link:
- https://tostenmanufacturing.com/product/cs-3-aircraft-grip/
Anti-Collision lights and strobes link:
- https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/elpages/ledcombosystem.php

- Challenger 2 with a Rotax 503 Engine
- Puddle Jumper Amphibious Floats
- Kuntzleman Electronics LED anti-collision and strobe lights
- GRT Avionics Sport EX EFIS
- Radiant Instruments backup Altitude/Airspeed/VSI


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