
10 months ago

Unawares? In Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares... "crept in unawares" comes from a Greek word meaning, "sink down alongside"... And Jude starts his epistle by shouting out a warning to the Church about such men who are sent forth by Satan to come inside the Church and sink alongside the people and eventual lead the Church astray... In Revelations chapter 2 Jesus is writing to the Church of Thyatira of how the people there have allowed "that woman, Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to come in and lead the church there into sexual immorality and eating food sacrificed to demons, leading the church away from what it once was, solid in the foundations of the Gospel... ! Corinthians chapter 5, Paul wrote to the Church of Corinth about how they were allowing a man in extreme sexual immorality to continue to be within their communion together. He told them how allowing such a man in their presence without any action against him and only their passivity of him is compared to how even a bit of leaven will work through the whole batch of dough...

The word "Church" is "Called Out" meaning once we accept the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are called out from the world and it's ways and are made new in the likeness of Jesus... VS ... The crept in unawares who have been sent in by Satan to deceive the Church into sin and debauchery against God... Just as Balaam could not curse Israel, he told the foreign kings to lead Israel into sexual sin against God...

Today is very quiet evident that we have unawares who crept in across our borders and are bringing about trouble and chaos, not just here in the US but many of the nations in Europe as well stirring strife, rebellion, unrest, protests and so forth to bring about discord...

As are unawares within the Church today bring about divisions through opinionated doctrines of demons through denominations, countless false prophets and prophetesses, progressive doctrines to bring about passivity of the idolatry of other religions and their false gods and practices inside the churches of today... There are two things that are certain... ONE, with in whole of the Church today there is a remnant as Jesus made mention of in letters to the seven churches, who have not wavered and been lead astray by these unawares and have and are standing in Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven... TWO, God will NOT be mocked and all will reap what they sow...

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