March 7, 2011 🎺 Consider My Words and prepare, for the Day of Refinement is here

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Consider My Words and prepare, for the Day of Refinement is here

March 7, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord… I, The Lord your God, have brought you up as My own children… Lo, I have nourished you with good food, with very fine food, and with satisfying drink. I have come to dwell in the midst of you, and among you I have performed signs and humbled many… Yea, among you I did speak and reveal My voice to you…

Behold, My heart was laid open before your eyes, and into your ears I did speak… As a harpist playing soft music, beautiful music, plucking each string with delicate fingers, I revealed the song of My heart to you… With precise strokes, in gentle tones of healing, with many notes of unending love, and by soothing vibrations of peace, did the sound of My love speak… And I, even I, The Lord of Hosts, did not withhold from you.

For among you did I also display My words of wrath and My words of great sorrow. Even the fierceness of My anger was not hidden from you; neither did I hide the full measure of My recompense. The full weight of My judgment, I did not withhold from you, for I caused it to pass before your eyes. And into the ears of My servants did I speak of My indignation, which I must bring against all peoples of the earth… And still, I am not known… I am hidden from your eyes, for you will not believe.

I am The Lord, and I do not change. I nourish My young children, I strengthen the backs of My servants; and I uphold the old and heavy-laden, and stand them up straight… And still, I am made to stand outside, My own people push Me to the side. In the outer rooms, I am made to wait for My due time.

Lo, among those who are called by My own name, I am made into an idol!… There is no life in it! Foolish children! The glory of this people is a dead flower… There is no life in it! The sun has gone down on their false glory, and no more shall any light shine upon them… The light has darkened, their eyes are darkened…

Behold, the kingdoms of men will rise and they shall raise themselves up, though night has fallen. And out of deep darkness the kingdoms of men will rise, and make themselves one by treason. And by many deceits and false promises, by vanities and vain flatteries, shall they come together in one… By the heaping up of lies, one upon another.

Even unto heaven shall they raise themselves up, until their pride has risen high and their arrogance is puffed up beyond compare, until their loftiness flies high above all kingdoms of the earth… From those of ancient times, even to this day, they shall raise themselves up. For no kingdom has seen such loftiness, such expressions of vanity and loftiness, exhortations of unity and peace, expectations of safety from wrath… Protection against the hand of The Almighty, from Him who sits on high.

Yet I shall bring calamity in waves! And by the strength of My hand shall the weight of calamity pile up, one atop another!… The full measure of My punishment bringing forth destruction without respite! Escape shall flee away, safety shall be a distant memory, and shelter shall not be found!… Forcing the rebellious into the rocks, the mighty into the clefts of the rocks, and the kings of the earth into the caves of the mountains. Under the crags of the rocks shall they seek shelter… From the least of them to the greatest, they shall seek to hide themselves from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of The Lamb!

There shall be no peace at all! And the unity of the nations shall be eaten up, as the caterpillar devours the newly sprouted vine, as the worms beneath the ground eat up the roots. All of it shall wither, until the spark of the fire comes and sets the whole field ablaze!… By a spark and by a flame of fire, by a strike from the dark clouds, shall the flame be kindled by My own hand!…

FOR I AM GOD!… Even I am He who formed the earth and all you see in the heavens… He who set all the foundations and called creation forth, by the word of My power and the vastness of My knowledge… Causing all things to be.

Lo, I made the matrix, and placed all things in their proper places, setting all things in order… I am He who formed it. I know all the hidden parts… Even the most minute detail, by which all things are made, is known to Me. Behold, I see the inward parts… From the innermost depths, to that which can not be seen by man, all is known to Me.

Before Me is the whole of creation, at all times… For no distance is far from Me, no measure is too great for Me, and no weight is too heavy for Me. And that which is beyond your comprehension is known to Me every morning, and every evening I behold the whole of creation and consider.

Who are these I have made? And what man have I brought forth from the dust of the earth, that I might share My glory with him?… There are none worthy. There is none, formed from the dust of the earth, who know Me. There is not one who is righteous… No, not one… Not one who is like Me. All seek to return to that from which they came.

Yet I came down to them, in the image in which I formed them, so they might receive of Me and have life… That they might share in My wisdom and find healing, great peace in My love, exchanging their life for Mine… That they might roam free in My creation, close to Me, at My side, always…

Until their first days are called ancient, and their latter days, laughter… Years beyond number… Thousands of years passing as the setting of the sun… Millions of days passing by, as a breeze caressing the face of the forever young… Each one remembered as yesterday.

Little flock, seek My glory and look to My Righteousness, for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!… Look into My eyes! Open your ears to My voice! For the mouth of The Lord has spoken! Return to the first works… It is time to be consumed in your First Love.

For indeed I have taken from you My lampstand; and this table, from you it must pass away… For I do what is right by My children… That you may now come to Me without reservation, that you might put away all these childish things. Are you still without knowledge? Are you still without understanding?… The humble receive of My gifts, and the pure in heart shall behold My face, forever.

Yet among you I see some who seek elsewhere for fulfillment, who run to and fro in the earth, even in the heart and in the mind, seeking here a little and there a little… That they might find peace to calm their minds, to ease their troubled hearts… That their lusts might be fulfilled and their desires met, leaving them empty once again. This should not be, little children… This should not be.

And what is this I see also? And what is this, which has entered into My ears from among you?… I see a flock seeking always after something new, as though you had itching ears. And when I grow quiet, and remove My mouthpiece from you, how is it you seek to fill it with another, and bring forth another to speak in his place, though I have not spoken? Yet from the overflow of the heart, it was brought forth. For you are not yet able to discern the voice of The Lord from your own, nor are you able to discern the voice of recollection from that which I speak into the air.

For into the air I have indeed spoken, that the world may hear and be warned. And though their ears are very dull, and their hearts are like adamant stones, it has surely entered in! Yet by My Spirit, I speak into the ears of My appointed prophets… And behold, My song is heard, and My indignation is written. For I am The Lord, and I do not change… From The beginning I am God, and to the end I AM HE!

Therefore, I have moved backward, for YOU have moved backward, O faithless children… Yes, I have stepped back from you… That you might strain to hear and stumble in your walk, that you might lose your strength and fall down heavily… That you might break… That you might choose Me in your need… That you might rush forward in your anxiety, and grab hold of Me, and remember.

For I have called to you many times, yet you have not come to Me without condition. I have spoken a multitude of words, yet you retain no knowledge, nor have you given heed. I have served you food and much drink from My own table, yet you are not satisfied.

Therefore these scales must fall from your eyes, and these stumbling blocks must be removed, lest My name be further polluted among you… For My name is holy! And My food, holy! And the liquid in My cup, holy and without blame. If I do not remove these things, you will be forever striving, yet making no ground. If I do not remove these things, upon which you lean so heavily, your cracked reed shall break, and you shall be severely injured when it pierces your side as you fall upon it.

Yet My words are pure and set beneath the feet of My beloved… A solid foundation, a sure Way for all who believe. My words are a strong staff in the hand of all who do them, and those who place all their trust in Me will never falter… For though My words pierce, they also bring healing, and when My Word speaks, the ears of the deaf are opened; when the light of My Word shines, sight is restored to the blind.

Yes, the word of My mouth convicts, to set your steps aright… Behold, The word of The Lord straightens the paths of all who give heed to My words and do them… For I am The Lord, and My wisdom produces a bounty, preparing My way before Me.

Therefore, I will now cease from speaking, for you are not yet able to partake of the fullness of My words, nor can you endure the length of My speech. Therefore I will pause now, so you may consider and prepare your hearts, so you may consider your God and the name of The Lord, and the works that I have done from everlasting even to this time… Declaring that which has passed as though it were present, and that which is to come as though it was fulfilled already… Even from the beginning.

Consider the fear of The Lord and gain wisdom; consider the knowledge of The Lord, so your understanding may be full… Partake of the fullness of this tree, and consider the root thereof.

Little flock, see the word of The Lord!.. Drink deeply from this vine… And consider My Mercy and the name of My Love, that you may know Him, that we may be one. Consider, for it is time!… The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! The Day of Refinement is here! Says The Lord.

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