You think hell doesn't exist? This will change your mind... #NDE #HELL #TESTIMONY

10 months ago

Howard Storm's testimony gives an insight into this part of hell called "outer darkness". There are different levels in Hell and this is not the worst... You might also want to watch Megan's testimony on my channel in which she says she was going to be eaten by demons.
I'll post other testimonies describing the lake of fire, cells in hell, and being tortured by ruthless demons. My hope is that it reaches and wakes some people up regarding Heaven and hell, and how to go to one rather than the other (Jesus Christ is the Way off course).

Very few people are allowed to escape hell to testify because our Creator wants everyone to know. And He wants to make sure that on the day of judgment, none will be able to say "I didn't know, no one ever told me".
There's only one way to escape eternal torment which is the wage for living life in sin. And we are all sinners.
God calls us to holiness, to be loving, humble, kind, free from sexual immorality, and all kinds of unrighteousness, stealing, lying, etc...

If you choose not to live by God's standards and repent for your past, hell will be your eternal "home". That's why it's crucial that we open our eyes to the consequences of sin and repent in order to be purified from them and turn away from our wicked ways.

Many people have seen celebrities in hell. These dead people are still being worshipped on the surface while suffering horribly in the pits of hell. Most celebrities go to hell because they are idols and God hates idolatry. He is a jealous God and wants all the worship. He hates sinners worshipping other sinners. It makes perfect sense right?
The moment you die, your fame and fortune are of no significance. You are naked before God, covered in shame. Howard mentions that in his testimony.
Yet, out of ignorance, people on earth focus on these petty things rather than their salvation as this Bible verse says:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6)

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. ☝️

Ps: I used extracts from a movie called Nosso Lar, a Brazilian movie.
This is not really a biblical movie, and it is based on a book written by Chico Xavier, a medium.
I believe Jesus is mentioned at the end of the movie though and I believe this story to be true.

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