Italy again. The question "Climate Change or Climate Changers?" is censored. And it is enough for getting the answer.

10 months ago

Why Italy?
Maybe because they dedicated their faith to a wrong god, to the state instead?
Maybe this nation is the most ignorant, infantile and demoralized due to trusting the state?The most divided by the state therefore weak?  
When they say "pray for Italy and Italians",,, 
I think God doesn't care if people refuse to use God given ability to think, reason, hear warning messages and SEE FOR THEMSELVES, in any country.
When we devalue the divine in ourselves, do not exercise in making simple logical conclusions, give no a second of our time for the common good and OUR OWN, ridicule those who try to help, call them crazy, show them temper tantrums, believe to one sided news, which constantly shape convenient perception, they can not back up their own claims, not only scientifically, but rationally, who repeat oxymoron slogans like Trust th Science, which is anti science statement, then we cry in snots and tears. 
It's not the god who is angry and punishes for your is the 13th century mindset that is the cause of troubles, it is the ego and your fears, which are low vibrational frequencies. Can such a level of collective unconscious attract peace, love. health and joy?
It is sad to observe it again and again but there is no other way to wake up the majority. It may take a lot of water to pour on their sleeping heads.
The question "Climate Change or Climate Changers?" is censored. And it is enough for getting the answer.  The answer is this, Censorship is the best that we can do to keep the narratives going. Such actions can not deliver their message that they are lying more clear then that.
If this message offends, then go and find who will stroke your ego and fears better than i could, watch some TV, they nourish it very well. This channel is not for you. Here are me and my choices, we give importance to other things over ego-cynical attitude and fears.

CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting Climate Change is 'Next Pandemic' To Control


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