🌱 Winter Seed Sowing and an Addition to Our Greenhouse - SGD 295 🌱

4 years ago

Who is ready to sow some seeds? We definitely are, and today we'll show you which veggies and flowers we're going to sow. Plus, we're running out of room in our greenhouse and we've got a creative solution to increase our space. On today's video, we'll show you seed sowing and how we're adding on to our greenhouse using scrap wood. 😀

Definitely leave your comments and questions ❓ below, and, thank you for watching! 👍

👉Download our 🆓 "GARDEN PLANNING IDEABOOK" full of 18 printable pages for goal setting, garden design ideas, and more! 👉 https://www.spokengarden.com/gardenid...

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Product List From This Video:
Seed Storage Containers: https://amzn.to/39UnHDL
Espoma Seed Starting Mix (pack of 3 bags): https://amzn.to/3qyzw9w
Espoma Organic Vermiculite: https://amzn.to/3o4arS1
Propagation Heating Mat: https://amzn.to/3nUmUsq
Heat Mat Thermostat Thermometer: https://amzn.to/3hGdT3H
Allison's Bellingham Bamboo Gloves: https://amzn.to/3o6Ptmu
Sean's Ironclad Heavy Utility Gloves: https://amzn.to/3obv4wt

Our Digital Garden Products:
🎧 Smart Pruning Basics (Audio): https://gum.co/SmartPruningBasics
📗 7 Popular Bulbs to Plant This Fall (eBook): https://gum.co/7popbulbs

🌷 Preorder our upcoming book: "The First-time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers" https://amzn.to/2DnzJJy 🌷

👇 Find out more about us and other helpful garden care topics: 👇
Spoken Garden website: https://spokengarden.com/
About us: https://spokengarden.com/about/
The Spoken Garden Podcast: https://spokengarden.com/podcast/
The DIY Garden Minute Podcast: https://spokengarden.com/podcast/
Spoken Garden blog: https://spokengarden.com/blog

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more garden care tips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ8bBXVy4evfnSDhzVhtnoA

Spoken Garden was created by Sean and Allison, a husband and wife team, who want to teach you how to become a better gardener. We'll help you build your confidence in garden care and strengthen your plant care knowledge so that you can improve your skills. We feature two different podcasts, the Spoken Garden Blog, and this YouTube channel. 💚

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#winterseedsowing #sowingseedsinwinter #wintersowing #gardening #gardenseeds #coldcrops

Music credit: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
All rights reserved for Spoken Garden.

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