We're All Thinking It: Video Of A Robot Attempting A Human Voice Hits Twitter/X And Hilarity Ensues

1 year ago

On today's episode of WHAT THE CRAP IS THAT?!, we present you with a video of a robot attempting to imitate a human voice. It really isn't what you'd expect, unless you were thinking of a naughty toy come to life, then it's exactly what you were expecting, you beautiful little weirdo. Robot attempting to imitate a human voice: The video itself is unnerving and disturbing enough on its own, and then you dive into the responses to it, which will make you shake your head and cackle with laughter all at the same time. The jokes for this one flowed naturally and organically, and we are HERE FOR IT.

We are all thinking it. Yes. Yes we are. Even if you didn't want to think it, once you saw it, it was impossible NOT to think it. -- Fellas this is what happens when you don’t clean out your Fleshlight. -- DECEASED. We have died. • Robots are trying to replace Monica Lewinsky -- He certainly didn't blow his opportunity to make that joke. Kudos! • Nine months after you use a fleshlight and it shows up with this on your doorstep. • https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F-w3G7KXcAAm18U?format=jpg&name=small • Scientists alone in the lab https://twitter.com/wwwcryptocom/status/1723787474814562359 • I need this robot for research purposes https://twitter.com/Iam_SyedIrfan/status/1723784283847073974

• More at: Twitchy - 'We Were All Thinking It': Video of a Robot Attempting a Human Voice Hits Twitter/X and Hilarity Ensues

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