The Liver Bomb: 1 Cup for Cleansing Liver & Reducing Belly Fat

10 months ago

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If you seem to have more than an inch pinching your waistline no matter what you eat or whether you focus on interval training or strength training, the problem may not be your stomach.

Belly fat, also known as belly fat or visceral fat, is excess fat stored around the abdomen.

It is fat that accumulates deep in the abdominal cavity, surrounding vital organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines.

Unlike subcutaneous fat, which lies just under the skin and can be compressed, belly fat is not easily seen or felt.

You might not think much about your liver (except maybe when you're considering that third vodka soda), but its health is key to your overall health and weight.

Your liver is the ultimate multitasker: It acts as a filter to remove toxins (like medications and alcohol) and nutrient byproducts such as ammonia from the blood; it aids in digestion by producing bile to help break down fat and absorb fat and water-soluble vitamins and minerals; and it plays a part in regulating glucose, blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, estrogen, testosterone, immunity, and blood cholesterol production and removal.

And you thought you had a long to-do list!

What is the risk of excessive belly fat?

Excessive belly fat, both subcutaneous and visceral, is associated with an increased risk of various health conditions like: ·Heart disease, ·Type 2 diabetes ·High blood pressure What are the factors that lead to belly fat?

·Factors such as poor diet, ·Sedentary lifestyle, ·Genetics, ·Hormonal changes, ·Last but not least stress can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress management can help reduce belly fat and improve overall health.

In this video we also suggest a fat burning drink that will help burn off that stubborn belly fat, however, it needs to be accompanied by regular exercise, healthy eating habits and changes life style.

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