christianity destroyed in 2 minutes

11 months ago

christianity is NOT a white mans religion! It is for the jew and only the jew. christianity was just invented, the CHURCH was just invented by jews, to promote their talmudic jewish powers outside of their Rabbinical class and spread their talmudic practices into Rome/Edom/All Europeans.

The Rabbinical class defines Rome as Edom and Edom as all Europeans. Who they HATE, just like their god hates all Europeans.

Jacob I have loved. Esau I have hated.

Jacob is Israelites/Israel. jews.

Esau is Edomites/Edom. Europeans.

When you as a WHITE MAN, become a christian, you become a jew in spirit. You take on the jewish spirit of yahweh, into your vessel. christ is just a trick. christ is the trojan horse. jesus christ SAYS he AND his father will take their abode in you, when you invite christ into your vessel. So you bring in the jewish spiritual power of yahweh, into your body.

And this replaces your European, ARYAN, spiritual essence.

Jacob means supplanter, heel catcher, deceiver. You supplant your ARYAN spiritual essence, with the jewish spiritual essence of yahweh, when you invite jesus in.

You are a fool, christian.

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