NGMI ~ Little Art Fag

10 months ago
Creating the art, product of his mind
They need to be a part, want to get inside
And the further he withdraws, the closer their design
The fleeting of his cause, one code at a time

Confusing what you are for what you can create
Just know your joy and pride is theirs to simulate
When you're irrelevant and find your skill set
Futilized, computerized, dry your eyes
My little art fag

Lifting up the tards, giving them a try
The writings on the wall assisted by A.I.
And as the human soul decays technology will rise
The spirits not the same, but it should suffice

I mourn what's yet to pass the passing of each day
I know your joy and pride has slowly seeped away
When you're irrelevant you'll find your talent
Monetized, corporatized, up for buy
My little art fag

(Little art fag, little art fag)
(Little art fag, little art fag)…

I mourn what's yet to pass the passing of each day
I know my joy and pride is rolling in it's grave
When I'm irrelevant you'll see my skill set
Minimized, trivialized, synthesized
My little art fag

Imagine what's in sight, envision what's ahead
Imagination dies, and with it passion's dead

Look forward to the bots, forgetting what we grieve
I know if I were God, I'd probably up and leave
If you come out on deck, you'd find we're headed
For a ledge, towards the falls, engines stalled
My little art fag

I mourn what's yet to pass the passing of each day
I know our human side has mostly passed away
If you'd snap out of it, you'd find we're stagnant
Soulless, stale, sanitized, sterilized
My little art fag

Comatose, lobotomized
Euthanized, my art little fag

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