Colors of US Military

1 year ago

Marines Colors= Illuminati Date and Freemasonry Date confirmed

Army Logo
Philippine Yellow-16 letters. 206 to #’s. (206+16= 222).
Ancient Order of Druids= 222. And 2+2+2= 6). 666

Army White= 666,666,666,666
RGB: 255,255,255 (12*3=36) 1-36= 666
HEX: FFF,FFF or 666, 666. (6*6= 36) 1-36= 666

Army Uniform
Olive Drab Camouflage
CMYK: 23, 176, 666.
(23+176+666= 865= 19 letters-Olive Drab Camouflage

HEX: 555346. (555= Death/Final Decision).

Olive Drab Camouflage= 19 letters, 172 to #’s.
CMYK: adds to 865
HEX: adds to 28 (5+5+5+3+4+6)
RGB: adds to 238 (85+83+70)

Now 19+172+865+28+238= 1,322. Skull and Bones= 322.

CMYK: 360, 276, 61. Grullo= 6 letters). 6666.
The ending number is all the sequences is 6.

Hex: A39976
RGB: 163, 153, 118. (8-1-1= 6).
CMYK: 360

Dark Cerulean= 12 letters, 2 words. Illuminati started 122nd day.

HEX: 4481.
RGB: 68, 129. First 911 call was placed 2nd month of 1968.
CMYK: 1, 472, 494. (1+472+494= 967). (9+6+7= 22). Illuminati started 122nd day.

(4+4+8+1+6+8+1+2+9+1+4+7+2+4+9+4= 74). America 7/4.

Sonic Silver
RGB: 117,117,117. Freemasonry 1717.
HEX: 75,75,75. Freemasonry 175th day of year.

(7+5+7+5+7+5= 36). 1-36= 666. 555. 777.
RGB= 11 Satanic Rules of Earth are 777.

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