Heroes of Gaming Podcast With Vlad | Ep 128

1 year ago

Eh, Yo! This week we dive into the Heroes of Gaming Podcast. This is a show that I enjoy and listen to. Vlad explores the Heroes of Gaming on his show, people like Kyle Herbert, Master Daniel Pesina, Garry Schyman, Mark Turmell, Jeffery P Lee, and so many more. I got to talk to Vlad about why he started Heroes of Gaming Podcast, what the goal behind Heroes of Gaming Podcast is, and what some of his favorite interviews were. We talk about video games from our past and why they still matter to us now.

If you love video games and want to hear some of the stories behind the games Heroes of Gaming Podcast is a great place to find them.

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Heroes of Gaming
Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1559084
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmGwlZ96H9J5LrFv9K9toA
Website: https://heroesofgamingpodcast.com/
Tik-Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heroesofgamingpodcast

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