I hope that most of you know about this by now👇

1 year ago

🚨🚨🚨Do you know that ‘the Spanish Flu’ was NOT a FLU and it NEVER started in 🇪🇸 Spain? It started in a 🇺🇸 USA military base at Fort Riley and was a #Vaccine experiment that went WRONG 😳 :

“Frederick Lamont Gates injected the USA 🇺🇸 army on behalf of ‘the Rockefeller Foundation’ at Fort Riley!! They were injected with an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis’ #Vaccine derived from horses!!”😳😳

“The so called, ‘Spanish flu’ was a #Vaccine experiment that went HORRIBLY wrong!!”

The army then went to WAR and spread disease around the world!!

I hope that most of you know about this by now👇


#SpanishFlu #Gates #RockefellerFoundation #FortRiley #NWO #Illuminati #Covid #Vaccine

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