Trumps Golden Toilet

1 year ago

Trump was offered a $6m gold toilet on September 16, 2016.
This toilet was also stolen by a 66 year old. 66666

What makes this hysterical is the fact the toilet was previously used before it was offered to Trump.

Trump has 24kt gold toilet in his NYC Penthouse.
This toilet was offered to him for the Trump White House.
The White House= 166. Trump born in June 6th month. 666

Trump 6/14/1946-9/16/2016. Separation of 3666 weeks.
25662 days. 9/16-259th day of year. (2+5+9= 16) 666.
The toilet is 18kt Gold. (6+6+6=18).
Gold Weight is 666-1 Kings 10:14.
Trump was offered this toilet by Guggenheim.
(Guggenheim 96 to #’s, 10 characters. 96+10= 106). Trump born in 6th month. 666.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-September 16, 2016.
Separation of 2 months 22 days between.
Ancient Order of Druids= 222. This talking robotic toilet statue is 16ft tall.
18kt Gold Toilet was offered to Trump on 16th.
Ancient Order of Druids 11/28/1781-9/16/2016.
Separation of 777 contained in seconds. 12251 weeks.
Illuminati found 122nd day on 5/1.
9/16/2016-Trump’s Robotic Toilet being displayed in Washington DC on
July 4, 2019.

Separation of 1,021 days. Antichrist= 121. 146 weeks. Trump born on June 14th.
The toilet was stolen from Blenheim Palace 14 characters-Trump born on 14th.
2 words, 106 to #’s. (106+2+14= 122). Illuminati 122nd day.

24 appears in hours and minutes.
Trump has a 24kt gold toilet in his Penthouse.

88 and 44 in seconds. Trump= 88. Trump 44th man to hold office.
47 in minutes. Freemason Compass 47 degrees.
33 months. Trump= 33rd Degree Freemason.
July 4 is 185th day. 7/4 is the 185th day. Donald John Trump= 185.
Trump wanted artwork of Van Gogh. Van Gogh= 74-
Trump’s Robotic Toilet displayed in Washington DC on 7/4.
Highland Park Shooting 7/4

Trump 6/14/1946- Guggenheim Museum opened on 10/21/1959.
Separation of 4,877 days 4 months 7 days between. 777.
Freemason Compass= 47 Degrees. 137 in seconds.
Freemason Compass totals to 137. (47+90= 137).

the White House Blenheim Palace Guggenheim Museum= 460 to #’s
Trump born in 46.

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