Squirrel Team 6 Taking an Eye Witnesses' Report of a Squirrel Murder in Canaan CT

1 year ago

This video features tattoo reality star and ex-convict, Heather Walsh of 20 Church Terrace in Canaan Connecticut reporting me to the Connecticut Environmental Police's crack Squirrel Team 6 tactical unit because my dog, Pepper, severally injured a squirrel and I shot it with a pellet gun to stop it suffering from the fifteen or so deep puncture wounds Pepper put in it with her razor sharp teeth.

In the video, Heather Walsh falsely accuses me of baiting deer and killing a skunk and letting Pepper rip it up. We have deer on our property throughout the year, so there's no need to bait them.

Regarding the skunk, I used a have-a-heart trap to catch and move it out of our yard to prevent my dogs from killing it or getting sprayed. I would never let Pepper rip up any animal, especially a skunk, because I'm afraid she'd catch a disease from it. But facts and common sense never deter Heather Walsh from using every opportunity possible to defame me. See https://jongoodwin.com for more on Heather Walsh's war against me.

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