Superbowl Brady PT 2.

1 year ago

2015 Super Bowl
Patriots 11/16/1959- February 1, 2015.
Separation of 20166 days 16 days between. Game was on 201. 666

2017 Super Bowl
Patriots’ vs Falcons-February 5, 2017, Final Score: 34-28. Patriots Win. 34+28= 62- Tom Brady’s childhood home was built in 1962.

Templar Knights 10/13/1307- February 5, 2017.
Illuminati date contained in hours. 5/1/1776.
90 is contained in days and seconds. The bottom portion of the
Freemason Compass is 90 degrees. 3 months 22 days between.
Skull and Bones= 322.

Ancient Order of Druids 11/28/1781- February 5, 2017. Separation of 122 in weeks. Illuminati found 122nd day. 90 shows in days. Bottom portion of the
Freemason Compass is 90 degrees.

2018 Super Bowl
Eagles’ vs Patriots-February 4, 2018.
Templar Knights 1/1/1119-February 4, 2018. 777 contained in minutes.
Ending number in seconds 5. The average cost of a 30 sec commercial was $5m

2019 Super Bowl

Patriots vs Rams-February 3, 2019. Patriots won 13-3. Rams 3-Tom Brady has 3 sisters.
16 combined points. Patriots were found on a 16th date.

Tom Brady 8/3/1977-February 3, 2019.
Separation 6 months between 66 contained in weeks. 666.

Illuminati 5/1/1776-February 3, 2019. Separation of 12,666 weeks.
Tom Brady wears 12. 666.

Bohemian Grove 4/13/1872-February 3, 2019.
Separation of 77 in minutes. Game was on Sunday= 7th day. 777

Game was played in Atlanta-12/29/1847-February 3, 2019.
Separation of 624 in days. Freemasonry 624.

Georgia January 2, 1788. February 3, 2019. Separation of 120 in weeks.
Illuminati= 120. 121 in minutes. Antichrist= 121.

February 7, 2021- Bucs vs Chiefs. 31-9. Bucs Win. The date. 2/7. 221.
Illuminati date= 27. 122 day found.

Tom Brady 8/3/1977-February 7, 2021.
Separation of 43 years 4 days between 6 months.
Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Junior= 346

Illuminati 5/1/1776-February 7, 2021.
Separation of 77 contained in weeks, minutes, seconds.
Game was Sunday= 7th day. 777 galore.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717- February 7, 2021.
Separation of 303 years 13 days between. Freemasonry 3 stages 33 degrees.
The Chiefs scored just 3 points for 3 quarters straight 333.

Templar Knights 1/1/1119-February 7, 2021.
Separation of 777 contained in hours and seconds.
47 in weeks and minutes. With 902 years separation.
Masonic Compass 47 degrees and 90 degrees.

Buccaneers 4/24/1974-February 7, 2021. Separation of 666 in seconds. 56 shows in months. During this super bowl the average cost of a 30 second commercial was $5.6 million. Ending in seconds is 40. 40 combined points.

Florida founded on 3/3/1845- February 7, 2021. Separation of 555,1977 in seconds.
555= Death. 1977= Brady Birth Year.

In combined Super Bowl’s Tom Brady Teams have scored 246 points.
Freemasonry 624. (20+32+24+14+17+28+34+33+13+31)

In combined Super Bowl’s. Opponents have scored a combined 210 points.
Tom Brady wears 12. Illuminati= 120. Plausible Deniability.

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