Silicon Valley, Los Gatos: Trump House Returns On Demand

10 months ago

Wow! I took down all my banners before Halloween, and many people got worried. Did you move? Did you sell your house? Are you planning on selling your home? Of course, I am not selling! Why did you remove your signs? Just trying to protect my home around Halloween festivities. We get up to 5000 trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood which the PD block off from car traffic. See Erica Zamora in my past videos and Halloween 2021 videos of mine. Scroll down! Those videos really show you how messed up people are around here.

To the many who beg, "PUT YOUR BANNERS BACK UP!... PLEASE!"
I am so happy to do so!
This time, it is All About Trump and Jesus.
Joe Blow Has Got To Go!
So, We Say No Mo' to Joe!
TRUMP 2024!

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