Who Found Football?

1 year ago

Who really found football?
Freemasonry 6/24/1717- Founder is Walter Chauncey Camp Really??
Born on April 7, 1859. 47 shows in seconds. Born on 4/7.
Freemason Compass 47 degrees.
Templar Knights folded on October 13, 1307. Walter Camp died on 3/14/1925 Separation of 322 shows in weeks.
Walter Camp is a Skull and Bones member Class 1880
Illuminati found 5/1/1776- Walter Camp death on 3/14/1925.
Separation of 777 Is contained in both weeks and seconds.
Walter Camp born on 4/7/1859.
First football game ever November 6, 1869.
Separation of 3,866 days. 6 months between.
366=Leap Year Illuminati started inside leap year
Look at the age number 10 years.

That literally makes zero sense how could a 10 year old find the game of football

First football game ever November 6, 1869.
Walter Camp Death 3/14/1925. Separation of 666 in seconds.

Representatives of Yale, Columbia, Princeton and Rutgers met on October 19, 1873. that would mean Walter Camp was a whopping 14 yrs old at the time of that date with a google birthdate of 4/7/1859

122m is equivalent to 133.421 yards.
76m is equivalent to 83.1146 yards.
Illuminati found in 76 year on 122nd day

An Entire Football field is 360ft long by 160ft wide with the end lines and side lines 6ft per NFL rulebook. 666

Field of play is 100 yards. The endzones are 10 yards each.
100+10+10= 120. Illuminati= 120.

The Football itself is 11 inches in length with a circumference of 22in.
Illuminati found 122nd day.

Templar Knights folded on October 13, 1307. NFL 9/17/1920.
Separation of 322 in minutes. Skull and Bones= 322

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-NFL 9/17/1920.
Separation of 203 years 2 months 23 days between.
Skull and Bones= 322

Who really found the game of football???

** if anyone can provide more information about this I'm highly interested in your take on this because The Numberdamus finds it hard to believe a 10-yr old could find such a dynamic sports like American Football.

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