Exposing Conspiracy

1 year ago

It is claimed that the CIA developed and promoted the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” to dissuade investigation of President Kennedy’s assassination. They wanted the Lee Harvey Oswald lone shooter narrative to be thoroughly accepted as cover for any involvement of the CIA and other deep state players as well as the mafia, as indicated in later in-depth analysis by many conspiracy exposers.

These propaganda terms have been exploited to hide many other instances of conspiratorial activity by cabal planners and operatives. However, the analysis of conspiracies by critical thinking analysts has rightly increased as the conspirators have expanded their psychological operations, planned and orchestrated events and manipulative narratives.

What is needed now is massive growth in the exposing of the conspiracy cabal by those who are learning what is going on to those who are unaware.

~ Yeswise Education Service – https://yeswise.com/ – holistic learning modules:
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