Chicago Teacher Loses 50 Lbs Thanks To An Extreme All-Taco Diet

7 years ago

A Chicago teacher claims that he has found the ‘fountain of youth’ in the very food item that everyone tell you to steer clear of! After ballooning to a staggering 250 lbs, 52-year-old Michael Kentros went from a big chunk to a great hunk thanks to a diet comprised mainly of homemade tacos!

Michael says he looks 10 years younger, is 50 pounds lighter and has a better sex life than ever, because he now eats 12 tacos a day. He used to gorge himself on McDonald’s for breakfast, steak sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner, with the occasional Cheetos, chocolate and candy as a snack. We don’t have to tell you that he suffered a myriad of health problems, including high cholesterol and hemorrhoids.

That is when the double divorcee decided to cut all junk out of his diet, because doctors warned him, but also because he wanted to “start dating hot women again”. So with the help of his homemade, vegetable filled tacos, the 5ft7 sub claims he has dropped two shirt sizes and 50 lbs of bodyweight in just six months, and that his diet has helped him maintain his healthy 195 lbs for the last two years.

The best part? He says that he can still eat pizza and chips occasionally, as long as he keeps to the 80/20 rule - 80 percent healthy food and 20 percent junk.

The 80/20 rule sure is a good one to govern your life with, but we can’t advise you to follow Mr. Kentros’s example of a diet. Still, this is pretty impressive.

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