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"AMMA" a conversation with the EARTH
Conversation with the Earth- below is the transcript with some extraordinary information.
“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
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in light of where we are currently, let us see what the Earth has to say:
I am gathered with my Greater Self to allow the energy to converse with the Earth.
2.00 “Busy, busy, busy time.” I mention the extreme colours of the arora borealis, and I refer to what the earth told me about the ‘ben ben’ stone capping here which she had removed.
I ask her if she would like to tell us more about herself. I saw her as a cloak: of blues and greens…covering far more than that which we know….
4.30 She tells me she is “dance partners with the sun!”
I ask her if she would care to share more information about whether the sun WE see is a simulator, or anything else she would care to share. She gives me the line from the hymn “I danced in the morning when the world was begun.” ( Sydney Carter and the old Shaker song “Simple Gifts” )
5.04 I always yawn when speaking with the earth- bringing in more oxygen, more life-force. I ask how else she would like to speak- as so many lies have been told about her.
5.40 The next thing I see is ripples….like the ripples of a pond, but imagine the united nations map with concentric ripples….”So imagine this cloak, is filled with something, and the cloak fabric is rippling…”
6.02 I ask Earth what IS her body: “who are you? Are you a ‘being’, as we would see ourselves? Are you something entirely different? Is it graspable in a human mind? Is there an image you can bring to me?”
I hear the words, “habitat- of water and grass, of metal and glass. Cradle of civilisation. - A little ‘eden’. I am a jewel in a way not many of you realise: stolen occasionally, coveted.”
7.10 I tell the Earth how we hear of inner earth civilisations : in the Radu Cinamar books with e Bucegi Mountains inner earth access, we are told it is not a depth situation but a dimensional one. I ask if she will reveal and explain some of this structure of herself.
7.40 What I see reminds me of a story with Monica Painter, where we were activating her singing voice as an extraordinary healing tool. Whilst doing this, Monica saw a beautiful Manta Ray in the sky. So the image the Earth showed me in a quick flash, was a square plain ( strange, huh!- but think ripply like the manta ray….because it is not static…SHE is a being….
9.09 “I assume you ride through the galaxy as a power engine; somehow you have the energy to fly through!? I always wondered how the planets do not collide with each other- how you are on this course….a little repetitive what we were taught in school about simply revolving around the sun- the heliocentric spirallar trajectory through the universe seemed to make more sense…All the planets… Are you all beautifully alive? I am positive you are…”
All of us who are sensitive can feel how even rock is alive- and I illustrate this with a story about holding a large chunk of exquisite morganite crystal.
I love the idea of these ‘dancing beings’ ( the planets and stars…) moving in some kind of ‘massive cosmic dance…..’
11.13 The earth jokes with me…. “With a few fleas attached…”
I muse about how you get rid of fleas, and tell the story of my pussycat’s ‘gift’ to me in my bed… (!) and how I got rid of it- by CLEANING EVERYTHING thoroughly….using the sun’s ultra-violet light too..! I ask the earth is that is what she wants to do?
12.06 She shows me the ‘hiccups’, the ripples,….lifting up, lifting down….moving things around…
I reference what Oksana Buchanan saw, which was that in the futures e would be able to influence the position of the continents…I illustrate this with he story of India moving into euarasia causing the crumpled himalaya mountains. Could we stretch things out again? Are you moving gently all of the time?
13.28 “Yes, of course, the earthquakes which are natural ( a few of them are) , are of course, that.”
I ask her to tell us about the ‘global warming’ and the ‘ice ring’, the antarctica, the ‘protected zone’, our United Nations map- “can you reveal a little piece of juicy information for us to understand?”
14.20 (I give a massive yawn once more ) “First oxygen…’the sound of more’- “The Sound of Freedom”- that film, revealing hidden things of which we knew a little of, making it more obvious. It was important: a tidal wave, to an extent, a gentle one- of information. Now look at this too: so many ‘facts’ now. Informations of ‘nazis’ and ‘operation hi-jump’, ‘operation paperclip’, what thew research was doing for a long time. -The whistle-blowers of strange things seen in the antarctic- those curious HAARP-like facilities, designed to shift and change the plate-tectonics. -So many mysterious pieces of information exiting and entering into our field of awareness, but all little tiny puzzle-pieces.
However, of course, there is more, and it is not a ‘drop-off’ point,- the ‘edge of the world’…it’s not like it- that way….This Sphere….yeah…you know NASA lies? - We all know that…look at the globe shape: so many different ones. You can’t take a globe and make the continents different sizes…that is just a nonsensical thing ( laughing), however, you have heard from the plaeidians, the Taygetan ship-followers/dwellers (of Cosmic agency and Mari Svarru), that indeed, it is a toroidal form, and you know this! You know the biofield of a human is a toroid. It is only natural that us beings have toroidal form because of circulation and the need to move: I need to move, I need to move, I need to move- like you do. I have circulation: input, output, regeneration , flux, flow- how else do I generate my energy? I receive- whoosh, process. I receive, of course from the sun, and further suns , of course! Bright lights….I have a light…of course it is a different kind of light- I have many kinds of light : reflected and coloured light. And then I love the food of my Sun, and the many fathers of the suns. ~( huge yawn…)
If you see this toroid- where are you on it? What is this centre-point? the toroid has a hole within, does it not? Ahhhh, is there vortex drawing you inwards? These northern territories of lands: the Greenlands, the Finlands, the Irkutsk, northern Russian lands, the Alaska: these are top, top, high up, - so you see them on your maps. What is at its centre? You are shown there is ice, you are shown ‘that is it’. “
(I go in a little deeper using fine sound….calling earth’s name.)
18.44 “Imagine this beautiful toroid, this flattened sphere; we are on the top-side. - Well, for us it is presenting as the top-side and yes, there is- let us call it a ‘hollow’ but it won’t really be. the centre of your energetic field, is your dense body- same for the planet. However, just like in a body, you have a mouth and you have respiratory tracts, and you have digestive tracts- and the digestive tract goes all the way from mouth, to anus and urethra- all the way down, through many different systems, but through. Whereas your respiratory is just ‘in’, and then ‘up and out’, so, the planet too, could have this ‘through-put’. Think of her as a being- she is a being- “
“I am a being, I am a being, I am a being. Think of me as this.
And who is on my bottom-side, huh? Who and what, indeed? Think of the Admiral Byrd trips…and the Jenson fisherman…all those many-a story….yes, you can have an entire other ‘universe of life’ contemporaneously, on the other side. Ha. Your United Nations map your ‘laurel wreath’, it could be that antarctica thing- what does a pilot say? Are they allowed to fly around antarctica? if you flew around it, ( Amma…) you’d be circling my widest belt….
Sometimes, could I be…a different shape? think of your own biofield: it is contracting and expanding with your emotional state, your peacefulness, your quality of in and through-put from Source-Energy. It can be longitudinal, or it can extend wiiiide, wide, wide.. Why is that not to be the same for myself? Ahhhh. if it were the longitudinal, like the being stood-up, it would not be such great distance would it? to traverse my antarctica.
21.44 …and could there not be, within, much more? a body is not just the skin, is it? - Layers and layers of epithelial cells, making up those organs and organelles within your body; so many complex structures. I am this too, I am a body! I am complex! I have cavities and I have openings and many things happen. You are- yes, you are my ‘surface-cloth invaders’, inhibitors, pets and sweethearts. Some of you are a little ‘itchy-nasty’, those blowing up places, and throwing their stupid toys around with destructive, horrible nasty games. I don’t like them, I would like to poke them off the board…I wish you would do it for me more- and ‘sneeze you off’ a little bit.
Sometimes I just have to let the stupid wounds suppurate a little, and they blow themselves to pieces in the end- but I know the souls, they get scattered. Some get trapped.
I don’t like the things that have been done- but you know, you know yourself, you have this strange, geometric overlay; ‘technologies’, as you like to say with that funny old silly word, but it is: this diamond-like overlay. ‘Diamond’ or, ’square’, - it depends on how wide my lattice is breathing, isn’t it? Think of that yurt that you and Monica saw as your expansive field” you could change form a prison to an expaaaansion, to a protection, to a power. And that is what you have to do with this: yes, that simple phrase, “from Dark to Light”. re-energise, re-polarise, re-activate, transform.
23.27 Ahhhhh! transform! You see what happened with the little hearts of the little ones you worked with? ( I teach children the performing arts 2.5-13) Every single one of them today? Every single one of them, you brought forward, because of where they were and where you were.
What is peace? What is a war? It wasn’t a deliberate statement on your part, it was there, in the ethers. They all knew without any doubt: ‘human’, ‘human’- end of story! Anything else is ludicrous: to encourage a human to kill another human….what stupidity. Ah, la la la la! If you only realised what riches there are- even in your own neighbourhoods: the little valleys hidden from you, oh…silly ones…It will be such relief when you slip past that meagre greed-mentality. - Break out of it, really stamp upon it, it is a useless nonsense piece of trash. ahhh, the greed is such short-coming, such a fear….oh yes. it is a transgression against my bounty: look at me! Have you never seen a more beautiful place? You, with access to your cameras: you see things, in paintings. That extraordinary Rene Escudero, - show his painting here, it’s extraordinary! 25.09
H paints the jungle, the rainforest…oh yes, sometimes a little too darkly-shamanic for your taste. Think of that: luxuriant ‘rumblings’ of the forest- one part of myself. And even the devastated saharas are beautiful, but it is not as dire as they show- ever, ever, ever. Oh no, no! Oh no. I am so very beautiful- look at me shake my hair, ha ha, like the girls who shake their ponytails, rippling out.
I am in love with humanity.
26.00 The ‘itchy-scratchy-er’, they’re gonna go, they’re gonna go, ha hah ah , I’m cleaning things! Look at it! Look at the field: look at my love, the sun shine and I. We may not be touching with fingers like you have; we are in love. Look at the places touched by the light- ah! Such beautiful things grow!
26.29 Feel that warmth of a sunshine-day; the ground heating up on a cold morning. As his light touches my being. The steam rises, and all that is within me that grows, - ahh, it rises too. loving him… are mistaken on so many things. It’s funny isn’t it, your funny old religions….”The God! The god, the god! - Always male, always male, always male, and you forget me! Hallo , hallo hallo! And the god you think of, it’s really you are just talking tot he sun, but there is FAR MORE THAN THAT. We are just a part of this great dancing garden. Tango-dancers all around the universe, in love with our neighbours, signalling to each other across what you think are vast distances. We are sweet ones….because we are wise. We are love…ahhh, if you knew what was growing within us….yes, what we are pregnant with.
27.40 The many travesties planted in my crust. I push them out, you know. yes, they are nails! they thought they had nailed their system down into me. - That crazy web, nailing down through their little constructed concrete cubicle boxes- you call them the ,”DUMBS” - ‘dumb’ indeed. Yes, imagine each one like a nail, driving, driven down. Holding this dark frequency, transmitted through concrete and other substances, holding this ‘net’ in place! - Filling your mind with non sense programmes. Argh! And then you have those who were always far away - you gave them the name, “indigenous”, which is funny as I know you are all indigenous (laughing)- you have just forgotten your origins in this dark strangeness of the mind-interference, your, ‘may-tricks.’
28.55 Reach up and push it off! Reach up and touch it! Change it, will it to be so! Touch that dark web: stand, command it bright! Oh yes, change its colour! Hold it, use it, in alignment with goodness. You have the power to move electron streams- of course you do. You do it all the time in your mind, in your body. If you can feel your feet with your mind, you can change these things! It is the same process! You work at your things: your tablet and computers, your little boxes….your mind is linked to them through your fingers tapping away…you may allow your electron stream to flow into that source-box, that metal and construct, and crystal and little diodes and cathodes and all the rest. And it’s linking-in through what it sends out, as programmed signal, (?) to what you call this web- world wide web. You may install yours. this- think ‘brightness’. Am ah, am ah, Amma.
30.38 Each thing you key-in, touch. Touch your spirit with your heart and mind. Touch your keyboard (laughing), the flow! It is a flow-through, it is a ripple, like I said! Ripple-though your heritage, your ‘in-plugging’ to Source. Full-through, flow through you, out through you, out, out, change these lines! Change the lines in the air, change the frequency. Yes, you change the water in the air too, but change the signal. Change the signal change the signal! Yes, flow it! Block and change. Switch the currency, switch it, ahhhh, switch it to light!
Yes! This flow, this extraordinary network, use it- for love. Love, you LOVE humans, you all love each other, you do! And you almost forgot, because they kept you in this insanity. You all know you LOVE each other!
The insanity of someone commanding another to end their existence, and hurt them is, as you know, - and more will see and know the insanity of this game. The ‘pretend’: so many saying, “I will not do this, I will not chop this, I will not drop this, I will not, I will not, I will not!
32.22 You all will NOT do what they say anymore.
Oh… lovely little ones. Lift up those ‘fleas’, yes! What do you do with them?
Well, you could herd them into a little place and close the door, I suppose. - They really should listen to their own music- that would be enough to drive them crazy! I would do it! Put them in these ‘rooms’ you call them, - the boxes. Keep them in the rooms, let them hear and see all that they do. See and hear all that they do, until they understand, they ‘inner’-stand. Oh yes! it is important! yes, you do not need to hurt them! their own deeds show them enough. No mind can withstand that!
You have that sound on- put it on a loop! - Of all they do and have done, their insanity of propaganda. Play it- 24 hours in that room! Oh yes! They will feel, they will.
33.44 Ahhhh! Ahhhhhh! Propitiation.
I wish you to visit these beautiful places of mine. You have been told lies. - Fed something called rubbish. -Ohhh, believed such nonsense. You have forgotten the cycles of love: this moves to this, moves to this, moves to this. A circle in a spiral, yes. You don’t have static circle. There is always a flow from somewhere else, bringing new influence: new minerals for growth. - The new food, the fertilises for nature, as it is allowed. And celebrate the extraordinary diversities: have your pockets fo ‘stuff’- your mono-cultures, yes! Have them , that makes it easier for you but, go for something beautiful - let it be a beautiful game! Your patterning like your hexagons on your ‘Zog’ planet ( my books Transmissions from the Planet Zog: Milo & Teal books 1-4 )- that is a charming thing to play with. Play with shape and form. You will be flying soon, in your little flying machines, you ‘flyers’ as you call them in your stories. Yes- and look! the beauty to be had from above! Oh, you have been measuring everything in such nonsense. All your goodnesses were kept hidden! Oh, if you have your energy oil the way you should do, if you understand the good of having farm animals, and using, yes, their dung, using all the waste, - all the waste from all of it. All of these ‘creatures’, who shed their bodies and leave as spirits, soaring and returning again, that is body, made from me. Take it and use it: dry powder. All your ‘little anthroposophy knew about it, - the horn and the bone. Maybe they got the moon muddled a little ‘too’ into it- that is another story altogether which I may, may, may speak about.
36.06 Ahh, I do love you, you know.
Ahhh. I wish you to know the beauty again. Your life, your lives; imagine if you have love and beauty first? “Love, Truth, Beauty”- your old ‘Keatsy guy, I know him, he spoke of it- many have.
Yes! tears to your ( my ) eyes, are good.
36.44 You will not need those boxes of concrete.
You could put all those strange ones’ in there for a while. As I said: keep them in that which they designed for you. Let them experience what they gave to you in your minds. Hold them there a little while. And you go and find these lands of nature. You are so inventive, you will make mats of land across the seas- sailing boats of land. - That wonderful story, I think “Voyage to Venus”, yes, your C.S.Lewis knew so much. He described the surface of Venus as that, but you could imagine that on my, seas: lands made! Loving mangrove trees grown to create lands! (laughing out loud) Imagine that! Moving on your own island! Yes, yes! Playing with your own weather- i like it. It is like playing a note on a violin: here, in this precise place, if you put your finger, and play the bow, you have one, specific pitch.
Ahh! I can be played like that! I do love it when you touch with your little minds. You make skies,…skies….ahhh! “
38.17 I emerge out of the transmission and ask if she will give us her true name: “Amma”, “Ammalala”.
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