NIMH Ep #686 Mavericks broadcaster roasts James Harden as Clippers sputter since trade…

1 year ago

NIMH Ep #686
Mavericks broadcaster roasts James Harden as Clippers sputter since trade…

Friday night, Luka Doncic dropped 44 points as the Mavericks beat the Clippers, who fell to 0-3 since acquiring Harden from the Sixers.

Before the game even started, Mavericks studio analyst Brian Dameris tore into Harden over the star’s last several years of general disgruntlement.

“I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you,” Dameris began.

You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule, and it didn’t work.”

Dameris continued to bring up how Harden forced his way first to the Nets, and then back into a reunion with Morey on the Sixers.

“You went there and got a partner [Joel Embiid] who got the MVP, and what did you say afterwards? They didn’t hand me the reins. You’re the point guard! You’re holding the reins!” Dameris said.


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