Lutheranism in brief #shorts

1 year ago

Lutheranism. This Protestant schism originates with the teachings of Prophet Martin Luther, a German monk and theologian from the 16th century. It emphasizes the doctrine of justification by faith alone, meaning that individuals are saved solely through faith in Jesus Christ rather than good works. The authority of Scripture is an important theological belief. Followers adhere to the Protestant principle of sola scriptura, meaning that the Bible alone is the authority for Christian faith and practice.
All believers are considered priests, with no official clerical hierarchy. All with faith in Christ who are baptized are designated priests and share in Christ’s royal priesthood. Every Christian has direct access to God without the need for intermediaries.
Lutherans believe in the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
Luther's perspective on God's grace was part of his break with the Catholic Church.

The Lutheran Church believes that all baptized Christians are called to be priests, and therefore, all members are considered priests 2. However, the Lutheran Church also recognizes the need for ordained ministers to lead congregations and administer the sacraments 2. These ministers are called pastors, and they are elected by congregations and ordained by bishops 1.

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#Lutheranism #Protestantism #JustificationbyFaith #SolaScriptura #PriesthoodofAllBelievers #Baptism #HolyCommunion #GodsGrace #ChristianTheology #MartinLuther #ReligiousReformation

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