PALLYWOOD - "Palestinian" Fake News!

1 year ago

For over 20 years the people who call themselves "Palestinians" (they cannot even pronounce the letter "p"), have been putting out fake "news" footage showing the supposed violence Israel is committing against their people.

This is not to say Arabs are not killed on occasion by the IDF, they simply stretch the facts, i.e. the body count etc. and they attempt to convince the world that Israelis are blood-thirsty animals who seek their death and who celebrate when they kill "Innocent" Arabs. They are essentially talking about themselves. They try to convince the world, fairly successfully, that Israelis are the aggressors.

Anyone who actually gives the situation in Israel careful thought can't help but see that Muslim Radicals around the world are a threat to us all, whereas, Jews around the world are peaceful humanitarians. That we are expected to completely turn this truth upside down the moment we enter Israel should be preposterous. Instead, many people ignorantly or wishfully buy into their lies. The Muslim holy book, The Quran, tells them to lie, cheat and steal to obtain land. This is very different from the Jewish Book, The Tenach aka Old Testament. It should be noted, the Torah clearly spells out that Israel Belongs to the Jews in an Eternal Covenant with Our Creator. Both Muslims and Christians must accept the Tenach in its entirety as a foundation in order for their books to exist and have any meaning.

The recent hospital bombing in Gaza was supposedly "Executed" by Israel. Gaza would have you believe over 500 people died. It later was revealed, and few know or want to accept the followup aka facts; Hamas' rocket had misfired and took out the hospital along with a dozen people.

Please take the time to DIG for the truth.

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