Vaccine Injuries - Wheres Pfizer, FDA & CDC?

1 year ago

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Med Beds is coming soon. The Earth Alliance via Skye Prince on YouTube say Med Beds will be made public before Xmas.

Earth Alliance and Galactics communication is that many of us who took the jab will have our Med Bed appointments after those that are Unvaccinated. The Galactics say information was out there in regards to these vaccines. So it basically comes down to our choice to take the jab without doing the research. Which is the reason why the unvaxed will have their Med Bed appointments before the vaxed.

I can only say "..I agree thats fair, because I saw a video on tiktok from a scientist giving facts against the jab. However, the threat of losing my job which pays high income. I just couldn't risk".

I, like many others were lied to by these criminals.

Find Jenny Lee on YouTube. She's a psychic seer, remote viewer, channeller and psychic medium. She channelled God or our creator. Not word for word. Message "...all evil beings their names will be wiped from the history books, their names will be uttered from our mouths & all creations from evil will be turned to ash".

Med Bed or Quantum Healing beds will remove all toxins from our bodies.

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