What does the bible say about people living in the time of the end ?

11 months ago

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The state of the dn time people is very bad

What does the bible say about end time people ?
What does the bible say about people living in the time of the end ?
Will people in the time of the end be wicked according to the bible ?

What does the bible say about end time people ? The bible says that wicked people will wax of become worse and worse untl the end of the world . The terrible thing is that wicked people many of them will think they are doing good.
Many of the wicked will think that they chose right and wrong and they will think to be doing a good work, while doing the most evil things human beinga has ever commited . What does the bible say about people living in the time of the end ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Often people think of the end of the world and the quotes from the new testament that tells us 2 TI 3 13 'But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. ' But often we think that we will see people doing evil and we think o there is going to be more muders and violence and evil . But we never think that this evil is very similar as the pahrisees evil . Will people in the time of the end be wicked according to the bible
? Yes

As most people , even christians think that evil is killing, stealing , lying and the such . They do not think that the pharisees were some of the most evil people who ever lived. Yet today they would be regarded as holy men . What does the bible say about end time people ? This is because people have gone away from truth and worship human reasoning . Pharises were holy and good from the outward apparence . They were going to church, helping the poor, preaching the truth . Earth last day pass our channel to your friends and family

But always people forget that sin is mostly who we are and how we treat others . The main sins are pride, selfishness, unloving behaviour . It is almost all about how we treat others . What does the bible say about people living in the time of the end ? It does not matter if we claim to believe in God if we hate others and we are unloving and rude to others .

Will people in the time of the end be wicked according to the bible ? Yes hits wickedness will have an apparence of goodness and only through the bible we will be able to discern good and evil . By their fruits you shall know them . Jesus never said by their profession you shall know them . What does the bible say about end time people ? Earth last day your advenced bible truth youtube channel

Read the 4 gospels, you will find tha most of the sins Jesus rebukes is how we treat others . Yet almost no church teaches this . Satan fell because of pride, but if you ask most pastors of christians they will never think pride is a bad thing . What does the bible say about people living in the time of the end ?

But this is the very sin that causes Satan to fall and caused all the suffering on earth . Christians and people today do not know at all what sin is . Will people in the time of the end be wicked according to the bible ? Yes it will be a deception claiming to be good they will be totally evil . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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