Episode 59 - The Fall of the House of Bourbon

1 year ago

After the Flight to Varennes, the Parisian public turns decisively against Louis XVI. The French constitutional monarchy teeters on the brink, reliant on a war with Austria to maintain public confidence. When the war turns against France, the French people turn against their government and overthrow the King for good.

A new legislature is formed, and the revolutionaries struggle to achieve their goals on the battlefield and in politics. Meanwhile, the French Revolution cannot move forward with a deposed King who sits in limbo. As 1792 comes to a close, Louis XVI is put on trial for his life.


Since we’re coming up on the Reign of Terror and a lot of people are about to get guillotined, the last portion of this episode is an addendum on the history of capital punishment. This addendum covers both the pre-modern and modern world, and I talk about both state and non-state actors. There are graphic descriptions of torture and execution, so proceed with caution.


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Episode transcript (90% accurate): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSyb6ZCzMdX7smyU089I2hTLvboZamoo7WXWBYlTRXAld0Tszm80D5g1_e2MYW8x0HwNAR_yNxRd71K/pub

Music credit: Sergey Cheremisinov - Black Swan

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