DIV for the Superparanoid: How to fill a syringe

1 year ago

Update Nov, 2023: This is a backup from Youtube, since they announced that they will be censoring all ozone therapy related videos.
I have been doing DIVs on myself for around 9 years now. In that time I have performed hundreds of injections. I came up with a series of precautions which I call “DIV for the Superparanoid” which in my opinion minimizes the risk of any serious adverse reactions to an absolute minimum. In this video I give away one of the safety techniques to make absolutely sure that only pure oxygen/ozone mix goes into your vein and nothing else.

Where to buy all the equipment:

Promolife Dual Cell ozone generator:

Already filled oxygen tanks with super pure oxygen of 99.99% (only for people in the contiguous US), the price you see is for TWO tanks: https://thepowerofozone.com/PLmedO2
Regulator for the oxygen tank: https://thepowerofozone.com/PlspREG
Syringe filling station: https://thepowerofozone.com/PLfillsyringe
Silicone tubing https://thepowerofozone.com/PLsil
Syringe: https://thepowerofozone.com/faj9
Extra luer lock connectors: https://thepowerofozone.com/PLluer

Get a code for 7% OFF on all Promolife ozone gear (and the oxygen tanks, too) by subscribing to my newsletter: https://thepowerofozone.com/news

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