The Seeds of Israel VS Ishmael - Full of Current Events and Warnings

10 months ago

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00:00 current situation
03:02 the hostages Hamas holds
05:51 exchange 1 hostage for thousands
09:06 why all tragedies are caused by the liberal fools?
10:05 Gaza civilians are also Hamas
11:47 business world surrenders to 2B arab customers
12:36 soccer leagues cry for 2 Sweedish but didn’t for 1400 Jews
13:55 arabs burnt France
15:42 arabs want to slaughter Germans
16:00 Hagar’s strongest trait was ungratefulness
16:52 past 4 weeks economy stagnates in Israel
19:55 the ErevRav lefty liberals are still pro-Palestinian
22:07 God uses Yishmael against the Jews
23:00 the main thing in repentence
24:32 soldiers who voted left 6 months ago
25:32 Merav Mikhaeli is same as Bernie Sanders
27:17 dreams/revelation
29:40 What is EMUNA (faith)?
31:12 what is NOT emuna?
31:52 Hesballa has quarter million missiles
33:45 why the LASER GUN hasn’t been ready for 3 years?
36:24 where was God in October 7, 2023?
39:07 the house with mezuzah was spared
40:14 parsha Lech Lecha
46:35 why did Lot look exactly like Abraham?
49:42 Lot moved to Sodom and became a high court judge
53:33 why liberalism is poison, lawyers are criminals?
56:07 Nimrod, a ruthless murderer
56:34 Terah, the fool and his sons, Haran and Avraham
59:16 why did Nimrod capture Lot?
1:00:20 Og(79) survived the Deluge(78)
1:01:08 Og reported to Avraham about Lot
1:02:19 R. Moshe Sternbuch
1:08:32 NO express way to Heaven for Shabbat desecrators who were killed for being Jewish, Avraham did NOT care about the wicked people ever
1:15:07 why did Avraham except gifts from Farao but not from the King of Sodom?
1:22:57 OWING MONEY: is a Torah prohibition growing every second
1:28:15 R. Shlomo Wolbe: when is the best interest of God to keep you alive?
1:29:58 elevation of the soul after death
1:31:34 Farao owed Avraham compensation
1:33:03 Sodom admired Lot, the former religious Lot
1:33:57 Iran bribes the Neturei Karta clowns big time
1:36:12 Satmar vs Neturei Karta
1:36:40 it’s a mitzvah to hate the Zionists
1:40:00 many people the natzis killed were not Jewish
1:41:10 Moshe Mendelsohn is responsible for Jews losing their tradition
1:42:50 Neturei Karta is paid $$$ by Hamas and Iran
1:44:48 move those who cheer for Hamas to Gaza
1:48:48 ARABS are not arrested in Israel
1:49:21 Hagar, the Egyptian princess is the servant of Sara
1:50:09 “Hamasi alecha” - the beginning of our nightmare
1:51:16 Hagar 1) servant of Jews 2) enemy of Jews
1:55:20 why politics/army/usa/UN will never help?
1:58:10 why do arabs scream ‘Alla Akbar?’
1:59:01 benefit of circumcising Yishmael

The Seeds of Israel VS Ishmael - Full of Current Events and Warnings

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