Universities are supposed to be places where ideas are challenged, not silenced.

1 year ago

Universities are supposed to be places where ideas are challenged, not silenced. Where students learn to think critically, not conform blindly. Where diversity of thought is celebrated, not punished.

But sadly, that's not the reality we see today. We see a culture of fear and intimidation, where anyone who dares to question the status quo is labeled as a bigot, a racist, a sexist, or worse. Where dissenting voices are censored, canceled, or even physically attacked.

This is not only wrong, but dangerous. It stifles innovation, creativity, and progress. It breeds ignorance, intolerance, and extremism. It undermines the very purpose of education: to seek the truth.

We need to change this. We need to encourage debate, not shut it down. We need to respect different opinions, not demonize them. We need to listen to each other, not shout each other down.

We need to remember that we are all human beings, with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We can disagree without being disagreeable. We can learn from each other without losing ourselves.

We can be better than this.

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