We Were Born for Something Better

1 year ago

Livestream at 2pm EST/11am PST
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Speakers: Mike Robinson, UK Column; Harley Schlanger, Spokesman, The LaRouche Organization; Prof. Clifford Kiracofe, President, Washington Institute for Peace and Development

When the Berlin Wall fell, November 9, 1989, the spontaneous singing of Friedrich Schiller’s poem, “An die Freude” — “Ode to Joy” was everywhere. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony setting of the words of Friedrich Schiller echoed in the hearts and minds of, not only the German people, but people all over the world that felt themselves to be part of that moment. Something new, wonderful and beautiful seemed to emerge in the world at that time. 

The voice of Friedrich Schiller, the Poet of Freedom, can best resonate, when a great opportunity confronts a people that, weeks or even days earlier, seemed unconcerned with history, and what it takes to change it. Tragedy, such as that now unfolding before us, not only in Palestine, but in the United Nations, in the corridors of power in America and Europe, sometimes calls forth from the dispossessed, the disenfranchised, the insulted and injured, the best that is possible from humanity. 

At that time, it is the poet that gives voice to what sits, without words, on the souls of those that the world itself suddenly realizes do not deserve their unchosen fate and were “born for something better.” The children of Gaza, in their undeserved suffering, torture and death, require something better from the world, and from each of us. How must we act, in the next days and hours, to become as large as this moment if history requires us to be, if justice and freedom are not to perish from the Earth?

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