well...eventually i will tell you the joke (is it really that dark?)

1 year ago

ag tries a comedy sketch
society always hangs up
do i have to join twitter in order to get thru to them
twitterheads might as well be dead
what a waste of space you are
i know way too much about pedo networks to have kids in good conscience here in america (i'm getting too old also but you never know)
i kinda wanna expand upon carlin's bit about people that oughta be killed
"freudian slip" there
can we say any n word
everything about this culture brings about an extermination
ex terminate
to terminate is to end, to exterminate is to kill via annihilation
if i was a sociopath w/ a lotta $...
this whole society is such an embarrassment
i feel guilty even thinkin like that but it is a joke becuz i really don't like these people
the phone epidemic...
yours truly was pretty skeptical from the start
*graphene oxide
i mean you're already open to being a lab rat
iphone shoes oh my goodness it will happen soon
if i was a phone junkie, totally unsuspicious of this world, i'd wear iphone shoes
if you sell a product that you know is terrible for the world you are probably a megalomaniac sociopath
you can always hurt people in your inner circle way more
the internet is a toolbox
i love the word cockamamie
i don't have penis envy, what's to envy freud
women dunno how to harness this power so we don't self-destruct
knowing how your body works is the goal
i allowed myself to be angry n sad n bitter
wasn't i talking about narcissism?
it's wise to just try to get along w/ people esp people in yer family
i can't truly cut anyone off, i will always care for them
i am not an outta sight outta mind kinda gal so i pray for these people alot
soooo many people on the internet that should be killed
we gon resuscitate the meaning of comedy
does doin what they tell you to do give yer life meaning
why i do what i do...
yeah...people reeeeeeally don't like me
narcissists get into yer head but everything gets into mine so...
i don't feel sorry for myself so don't act like this is a burden
avoiding being a burden is what imma do
why would my honesty about what ails me be a problem
i don't expect you to understand my p-o-v
yeah the bass is pretty cool
the man in my head approves of what i do
stop swerving (every day)
he never tells me to stop being a typical, boring ass woman
anyway SPEAKING of narcissists...hahaha
we all have the proclivity to be bad
if we realized that we're bad we could choose sumin different
the reason why we're bad doesn't have that much to do w/ us
they're always reacting that was the point of that
emotional im-maturity is a really cool thing
a little whiff of personal responsibility for that very large part that's totally up to me
so lucky to see my part n that i was a failure from the start
i might as well be 87
38 is still real young & i finally figured out how to have fun!
narcissists should be killed off cos they won't kill themselves
i'm sure that many have this same desire
a lotta people should be killed, it's true
just listen to the carlin bit it's way better than this
non-comedians can't handle george carlin
these bits are not wrong, dark as they are
the devil is taunting me trying to making me feel guilty for my perspective
that's always been right
if i was making $ what i do would be questionable
sometimes i look feminine n other times i look like such a dude
it'd be better if you liked my content
arrogance takes center stage
victory coffee for my victory art
that bass player was me this whole time
i can't work w/ anybody, no offense
i can tell you wanna fuck but i'm just not interested
i'm a lone some, i'm a lump sum? what did i mean by that?
a complicated fact actually
imma take this as a sign...

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