being honest about recovery - communication - difficult sides of life

1 year ago

The broken, vulnerable foundation of the recovery journey from a severe cognitive and physical disability. This short video clip is from the full length documentary film Roadz Of Life. The footage is harsh & genuine, it forces you to take notice, the words linger in your brain.

Roadz Of Life explores some of the more difficult sides of life. Sharing our stories and struggles can also encourage others to reach out about how they are feeling too. Beautiful, artistic, raw, down to earth, outside the box film making. Roadz Of Life Jump starts your feelings and thoughts. These are complex topics.

It is good to open up and talk about how we are feeling, talking about our thoughts with those we love and feel safe with is a great aspect of life. Communication connects us to our families or friends in a world that can sometimes feel very big and overwhelming. Modern life is intense. Negative thoughts and feelings are a normal part of being human and finding people we feel safe to share our thoughts and feelings with is healthy. Regular communication in bite size chunks can be a wonderful way of regulating emotions, in preventing unnecessary long-term breakdowns in daily life. We can't deny our humanity or imperfections that make us unique. Opening up about our struggles debunks the mystery and taboo, it empowers us to find connection and realize we all have our struggles, it gives us tools and support to walk through the chapters of our life. No matter how alone we may think we are there is always a helpline or support service that can lend a helping hand if we feel like we can't find supportive people around us. If you or a loved one are struggling, be ok to ask for help. These are complex topics within the human condition that need to be respected and a healthy part of the journey we call life, shedding light into the shadows of the mind. Let us find creative ways to open up and find support. It's like that corny old saying together we stand divided we fall. Let us realize we are not alone.

It is good to open up and talk about how we are feeling, talking about our thoughts with those we love and feel safe with is a great aspect of life. Communication connects us to our families or friends in a world that can sometimes feel very big and overwhelming. Modern life is intense. Negative thoughts and feelings are a normal part of being human and finding people we feel safe to share our thoughts and feelings with is healthy. Regular communication in bite size chunks can be a wonderful way of regulating emotions, in preventing unnecessary long-term breakdowns in daily life. We can't deny our humanity or imperfections that make us unique. Opening up about our struggles debunks the mystery and taboo, it empowers us to find connection and realize we all have our struggles, it gives us tools and support to walk through the chapters of our life. If you or a loved one are struggling, be ok to ask for help. These are complex topics within the human condition that need to be respected and a healthy part of the journey we call life, shedding light into the shadows of the mind. Let us find creative ways to open up and find support. It's like that corny old saying together we stand divided we fall. Let us realize we are not alone.

Footage taken from full length Documentary Roadz Of Life
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