Episode 49 - Contagion, Part 4: The Plandemic, War of the Cabal, the Cabal, Obama, Pizza Dogs

1 year ago

Americanhardmind and Synchronicity continue Contagion with Part 4, The Plandemic. This episode highlights War of the Cabal through the Cabal, continuing with Barack Obama and the "pizza/dogs" scandal, his deep relationships with other celebrities, the suicided opposition, and the adrenochrome-pedovorism network.

Essential sources:
Podesta Emails https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/
Kappy, Brackets and Jackets https://www.bitchute.com/video/0AIkO8VxVi86/
Kappy, Last Video https://www.bitchute.com/video/VrQjfcBO6qPh/
"Covfefe" https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/google-rigged-the-2020-election
The Cym. Corporation https://archive.org/details/cym-corp-1/CYM%20Corp%201/page/n29/mode/2up

This is what to expect in Episode 50:
Contagion, Part 4: The Plandemic, War of the Cabal, the Cabal, Biden, Crime Family

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