TCMS#6 "LEFTISM (part 4 of 4): Why Leftism Thrives"

10 months ago

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(Video transcription below.)
Why Leftism Thrives

Because the left can’t help but exhibit sheer insanity, it seems to not make sense that they represent about half the population; one would think the large demographic of political moderates would side with the non-insane. Even if their brains tended towards an emotional universe, one would think that instinct would lead them to trust the logic and historical success of the right. The reason for the left’s enduring effectiveness is their wealth of organic advantages. Firstly, the appeal of leftist superficial feel-good policies attracts most young adults. These voters have not yet endured the inevitable life experience that both settles unbridled emotions and reveals the sobering realities of society, nor have they had the proper education or years of intellectual reflection to realize the correctness of nuanced conservative thought.

Secondly, if leftists can stay free from the influence of moral truth, they enjoy an intellectually, emotionally, and socially easier political path. While the rightist’s morality demands intellectual effort to investigate the complexities of social issues, the leftist is allowed to champion whatever feels best from whatever unverified information passes his way. The rightist must endure the emotional and social difficulty of not only making tough decisions, but also voicing them in social settings. Conversely, the left supports the decisions emotionally and socially easiest.

The third reason leftism enjoys popularity is that the dynamic of brain chemistry within the leftist mind self sustains political activity because the more the leftist promotes what feels good, the more he satisfies his egomania. In other words, regardless of the consequences that his emotional policies inflict on the world, his acts of asserting them maintains his dopamine high. For example, while the rightist endures painful empathy of refusing charity to a drug addict, the leftist enables the addict with charity. For his own selfish and unwarranted high, the leftist not only hurts the addict but also promotes dirtiness, homelessness, crime, and additional drug activity.

The fourth and most consequential force encouraging leftism originates from the leftist dominated cultural institutions. Schools and universities, film and television, journalism, and commercial media create a virtually irresistible illusion that one must champion “correct” leftist morality or suffer justified ostracization. After pondering how ubiquitous and severe is this indoctrination, one wonders how the right endures at all.

The final advantage enjoyed by the left is the inextricable dynamic that forever creeps all societies left. Because the surrounding status quo appalls them, leftist motivation for political activity is more easily cultivated than for the right. As long as the rightist feels the establishment is safe he will remain largely inactive. Only when his institutions become so rancid with leftist progress does the carefree conservative shock into action. He must experience the sudden anxiety accompanying a confrontation with leftist progress, such as the Netflix title “Dear White People,” or a lawsuit for civil misuse of gender pronouns, or his daughter’s homework instructing the copying of the Islamic statement of faith.

Thus, in truth the great human bane is not hunger, or homelessness, or oppression, or disease. As a matter of fact we’ve greatly ameliorated if not solved most societal ills. What devastates us is the mental condition of leftism that perpetuates a massive global epidemic of profound stupidity— an inability to perceive accurately and think soundly to effectively remedy societal issues. Again, the typical leftist does not intend to be a vehicle for evil; he is just exasperatingly stupid because of his mental condition. The leftist’s defining insane brain that erects a universe grounded in emotional physics yields the pitiful, very stupid, and clearly apocalyptic dynamic of believing ridiculous premises, implementing catastrophic solutions, and maximally refusing all criticism because of perfect hubris resulting from the psychological impossibility of conceiving that the objective universe is grounded in logic and common sense. It is the billions of these mental cripples that are causing the great majority of the world’s suffering; and therein lies the problem— their stupidity unknown to them makes them fierce antagonists to solving societal problems everyone yearns to solve.

Thus, finding a solution to the apocalyptic epidemic of leftist stupidity deriving from their mental illness demands highest priority, for it is the overwhelming cause of humanity’s suffering. Until we can find this cure, the right understands that they can never stop fighting because the alternative is the psychological and physical hell of unending versions of communism. Thus endures the epic political war.


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