A Heavy Metal Salute to The Armed Forces - Max Carlisle Veteran's Day Tribute - Official Video

1 year ago

This is Max Carlisle's (Guitar MAX) heavy metal tribute to the Armed Forces! The themes of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.... and the Coast Guard done heavy metal style!

To all the veterans and active military members out there watching: Thank you for your service and happy Veteran's Day!

Very special thanks to: March Field Air Museum, Camarillo CAF, USS Iowa Museum, The Condor Squadron, California State Parks, and Peter Helm.

Guitar MAX Social Media -
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maxcarlislemusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maxxxwellc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guitar_max_carlisle


Rubric: -5 points for Danzig references. -5 points for not reading the description. -5 points for not watching far enough into the video to answer your own question. -5 points for misquoting me in your comment. 20 points possible. Everyone starts with an A!

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