Get M.A.D. With Chris Graves episode 30 - Mr. Eric Jackman

1 year ago

Special thanks to Mr. Jason Barker for helping to restore these lost episodes!

Get M.A.D. With Chris Graves episode 30 - Mr. Eric Jackman
On tonight's episode of "Get M.A.D.", I'd like to welcome New Hampshire politico, comedian, voice actor, podcaster, Trump impersonator, proud Tulsi Gabbard 2020 alum, as well as the host of Jackman Radio & co-host of The Four Horsemen podcast, Mr. Eric Jackman!

I really enjoyed the conversation with Eric. He's been gracious enough to have me on his show, previously. We covered a variety of topics, including his upbringing, comedy, music, his introduction into the world of entertainment & the arts, political activism, working on Tulsi Gabbard's 2020 campaign, facing Donald Trump quite literally as Donald Trump (and getting paid at the same time), acting opposite the Troma legend himself, "Uncle" Lloyd Kaufman, IN an actual Troma flick, and some of the interactions he's had over the years with the likes of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Roger Stone, just to name a few. Eric also recounts his recent experiences speaking at the great Rage Against The War Machine Rally, that took place last month in Washington, D.C.

I will admit that at the beginning of the show I was taken aback and very emotional when Eric gave us the big scoop: earlier in the day, he got to meet and talk with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at an event in which Mr. Kennedy made a speech and announced that he may be running for President in 2024! You see folks once upon a time long ago, I used to participate in the democratic process: voting, campaigning, fund raising, hoping, changing, door to door, and most importantly, BELIEVING, that what I, and millions of others my age at that time were doing, could potentially shape our future for the better....That was until I saw the rigged system for what it truly was: nothing more than a bad joke, WWF style wrestling where the hero & heel give the appearance of being in battle until they get backstage and in reality they're the best of buddies, thick as thieves, backroom deals and beach ball issues....But after years and years of political doom and gloom, when Eric dropped the bombshell about Bobby Jr.'s possible near future intentions, I've got to admit that the twenty something idealism that I once possessed, but was brutally taken from me by the likes of Kerry & Obama, may still be there within me after all....We'll see.

I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did folks. The next time Mr. Jackman & I have a conversation can't quite come soon enough!

Eric Jackman's Social Media & Show Links:









The Four Horsemen podcast

Eric Jackman's Speech At The Rage Against The War Machine Rally in D.C.

Eric Interviewing Jesse Ventura
Jackman Radio | Jesse Ventura | Brought to you by Michael Lupacchino

Eric Jackman With Alex Jones & Roger Stone

Eric As Trump Meets The Real Trump

Troma / Lloyd Kaufman (Eric Jackman As "The President")
Shakespeare's Sh*tstorm (2020) - IMDb

Chris' links can be found here:

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