How To Feed Your Body & Soul With Tony Federico

8 years ago

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“Food is what you are, and you are what you eat. Food serves multiple purposes. On one hand, it’s to nourish your body with physical things that it needs, but you can also use food to soothe emotions, avoid emotions, as entertainment, or when you feel sad. It allows for a certain degree of emotional manipulation.” – Tony Federico

Food is an important part of our everyday life, but sometimes we allow unhealthy, processed foods to manipulate our bodies’ health and emotions. Unfortunately, eating healthy is not always an easy switch to make with big multinational corporations selling and promoting foods everywhere we look.

However, we have the ultimate power to make the decision to decide what we eat every day. Take a moment look inside yourself and ask if your relationship with food is a healthy one. It’s okay to admit that it’s not a healthy relationship and that you’re ready for a change in your life.

On this week’s podcast, host of the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast, Tony Federico, shares with us how he overcame an unhealthy relationship with food and how making a goal to live a more Paleolithic lifestyle has transformed his body and his life.


Tony is the host of the Paleo Magazine Radio podcast, author of an eBook audio program deep dish, “Paleo Grilling: A Modern Caveman’s Guide to Cooking with Fire”, and Cofounder of Powerful PT, an innovative information resource for Fitness Professionals. He has appeared on numerous local and national television and radio broadcasts and regularly hosts healthy cooking workshops and informational lectures. He is also a speaker full-time Personal Trainer and Wellness Consultant who lives in Jacksonville Florida with his wife Jamie.

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