Evidence (PART 2) of Gang Stalking done by "DGSI" & "Gladio" in Grenoble in France in January 2016

9 years ago

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Texte de Présentation en Français sur ce site :


English Text :

Proof (PART 2) by the image of a Gang Stalking operation made by "DGSI" & "Gladio" (ex "Stay Behind") in France in the Grenoble region in January 2016 and at a very large scale on a French TI :

"DGSI" & "Gladio" (ex "Stay Behind") are the domestic French secret services and the NATO military secret services across the French and European territory and giving their orders to the police, the gendarmerie, the French secret services, and to the judges and prosecutors and to French politicians and entrepreneurs :


In Grenoble and all the cities around, in January 2016, dozens of vehicles and dozens of individuals and pedestrians, are doing the gang stalking and street theater, against a French TI to whom it has already been done like that in 1998, and for whom electronic torture has continued for 20 years, and to whow it is being done again this gang stalking at a massive scale since at least December 2015, by following him in the pedestrian streets of Grenoble city center and in all public places, and roads and highways and departmental roads of Grenoble and around Grenoble, round the clock, 7 days 7, seamless, and with always just around him between 70% and 100% of the vehicles or pedestrians that are from "DGSI" & "Gladio" (ex "Stay Behind"), but he could all shoot them by video and take every picture of them, so on this video, he shows you the Part 2, from a previous video, with many evidences by 24 video clips and 6 photos that "DGSI" & "Gladio" (ex "Stay Behind") is in action and at a very large scale in Grenoble since at least early 2016, and he explains the methods of gang stalking done by "DGSI" & "Gladio" (ex "Stay Behind") vehicles and fake pedestrians.

This video is unique because this is the first time we provide proof by the image of such a large scale Gang Stalking in France and in Europe and worldwide.


Be aware of the comments against this video in the TI Forums :
There might be some discouraging or bad or totally wrong comments, that are totally fake, because they are made by people from "DGSI" & "Gladio" (ex "Stay Behind"), who try to act as victims in these forums.

Explanation on the context of the set :

These videos were taken while shooting in continuous non-stop, and walking in circles always around the same buildings, and the same 4 main streets, around these buildings, randomly turning either right or left at intersections, either to form circles either eight loops, during 1h30 of walking, from 14h30 to 16h, in the center of Grenoble (it was therefore a trap set by the TI against his own stalkers), on Sunday January 24, 2016, which is a public holiday, without any open shops to do any shopping whatsoever, and totally outside the school holidays (well after Christmas and well before mid-February) to do any sightseeing whatsoever, and therefore, it is highly unlikely that twenty people, crossed many times, in the same four streets, in different places and times, could be local residents, because they would have tend to go from a point A to a point B in a straight line, and not making the same circles as the TI, around their buildings (unless they walked their dogs, which is not the case), and there was thus no chance, nor whether they could be true tourists, because it is out of the season's school holydays.

Notes :

- The Part 1 before this video and the website and the video explaining the history of the case of this French TI are here :

- The Video Part 1 preceeding this video : https://youtu.be/CrW85lm4Ebo
- The Website about this TI : http://OurTortureIsReal.com
- The Video Documentary about this TI : https://youtu.be/IvN8axmG2lI
- Whistle Blower about Gladio : https://tinyurl.com/y7n8c98o

- The « paranoia » is not a mental illness but a natural self-defense reflex mechanism in the event of psychological aggression towards one's mind : read the explanation here : http://notretortureestreelle.com/gang-stalking-english.html

- Dr. John Hall has certified that the stress caused by the "Gang Stalking" / "Organized Harassment" done to the victim / target increases the level of dopamine in the victim / target's brain, which increases the risk that the victim / target acts paranoid but only in appearance while the victim / target has no paranoia at the origin.

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