The Science of Letting Go With Glenn Stokoe

8 years ago

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On this week’s podcast, floating and sensory deprivation expert, Glenn Stokoe, shares his personal experience with meditation and why floating creates the perfect environment to deepen a mediation practice that helps the body and mind to recover, align and fully relax.

"We store so much energy, not only in our psychology, but in our muscular skeletal system that when we float, our body gets to unwind and just finally take that breath it's been craving so much." - Joe Rogan

Meditation has been studied for centuries as a powerful tool that supports us in letting go of what doesn't serve our growth.

With traditional meditation however, it can take years to reach the clarity and inner peace we desire. With a new modality of healing called "floating," you can reach a state of ultimate relaxation with just a few sessions.

Science is also proving that the burgeoning field of sensory deprivation through floating can be a powerful way to heal the mind and body alike.

Floating is not only a great empowering tool to help lift our spirits and clear our thoughts, but it is also fun and can allow us to bring more creativity into our lives.

Whether you suffer from stress, cloudy thinking, or chronic pain, floating is for everyone and it can help us let go of everything in order to simply just "be."

The Science of Letting Go

As the founder of Float North County in San Diego, California, Glenn has helped numerous athletes and spiritual seekers recover from pain and clear their minds.

Since his first float in 2013, Glenn's personal exploration in floating has included completing sessions that have lasted up to 3 hours and his own 30 day journey of floating and meditation.

If you want to recover from chronic pain, improve your athletic performance, or re-energize your mind and body, floating can help you rediscover yourself and let go of anything that is holding you back.
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