Heal Your Skin From Within With Dr. Trevor Cates

8 years ago

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"We have two different options. One option is that we can suppress and cover up our skin's problems with creams, makeup, or topical steroids. However, this is not really addressing the root problem of what is going on with our body. The other option is to really look at what the body is trying to tell us. The body is so wise and it's so important to pay attention to the signals that our skin gives us instead of ignoring them." - Dr. Trevor Cates

Skin is an incredible organ that protects our underlying tissues, organs, and bones. Each day, it keeps us insulated, controls our body temperature, and helps us take in essential Vitamin D from the sun.

Skin is also a key indicator that lets us know when our physical and emotional health is unbalanced. If our skin is dry, oil, itchy, or breaks out in acne, it's telling us that there is something else going on with our bodies that needs to be addressed.

If our skin is so amazing, shouldn't we do more for it by eating the right foods and give it the care that it needs to stay strong and healthy?

This week, licensed Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Trevor Cates aka The Spa Doctor shares her personal experience of dealing with skin problems and how we can heal our skin from within. You will learn how to use natural foods and real life methods so that you can have that healthy glowing skin no matter your age or race.

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