Preg Paladin & Unholy DK | 2v2 arena | WotLK PVP S7

1 year ago

Dive into the thrilling world of WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic with us! Me (as Preg Paladin) and my friend Fury (as Unholy Death Knight) will try to conquer the 2v2 Arena in Season 7. 🛡️⚔️

🎮 Experience every pulse-pounding moment as we embrace the chaos of each match, fight intense battles, and sometimes win by sheer luck in this compilation of arena highlights.

🎵 We're turning up the nostalgia with the soundtrack . Get ready to rock out to the old-school WoW PvP vibes with tracks by Disturbed,Godsmack and more. These anthems are not just background music; they're the heartbeat of our epic battles!

👥 Join us on this adventure where camaraderie and chaos meet. Whether you're here for the high-octane gameplay, the classic tunes, or just to hang out with a couple of WoW enthusiasts, you're in for an unforgettable ride.

✨ Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more WoW WotLK Classic content. Your support means the world to us, and it's what keeps these battles raging!

#WoWWotLK #2v2Arena #PregPaladin #UnholyDeathKnight #OldSchoolPvP #GamingChannel #EpicBattles #WoWClassic

00:00 Intro -
00:27 vs Disc Priest & Arms Warrior
00:57 vs Mutilate Rogue & Discipline Priest
02:03 vs Holy Paladin & Arms War
03:50 vs Unholy DK & Disc Priest
04:25 vs Retribution Paladin & MM Hunter
05:08 vs Disc Priest & Frost DK
06:11 vs Disc Priest & Sub Rogue
07:24 vs Preg Pala & Unholy DK (MIRROR)
08:18 vs Feral Druid & Sub Rogue
09:22 vs Ele Shaman & destro Warlock
09:52 vs Frost Mage & Sub Rogue
10:34 vs Shadow Priest & Frost Mage
12:38 vs Destruction Warlock & Resto Druid

Be sure to follow me on Instagram, TikTok and Twitch for more gaming updates and a sneak peek at my off-screen life.

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